Weekly Brief 22 May 2017
Hub updates
The ELIXIR Hub has launched a call for new members of the ELIXIR Industry Advisory Committee. Further information can be found via the
The ELIXIR Hub has launched a call for new members of the ELIXIR Industry Advisory Committee. Further information can be found via the
The ELIXIR Data Platform has published a Request for Proposals for Implementation Studies in 2018 . Applications must be made via the Head of Node and can be submitted between 1 September and 31 October.
A reminder that the report from the recent ELIXIR All Hands event, including links to slides and photos is now available.
ELIXIR Reports, the ELIXIR channel on the F1000 Research publication platform now includes two new articles, presenting activities of ELIXIR France and ELIXIR Netherlands.
Olivier Sallou (ELIXIR-France) will present a webinar on BioMAJ2Galaxy: automatic update of reference data in Galaxy using BioMAJ as part of the EL
ELIXIR needs your suggestions for Flashtalks and Workshop ideas for the ELIXIR All Hands 2017 event in Rome.
The ELIXIR Board is holding its meeting in Hinxton this week. Items on the agenda include:
This is the last edition of the ELIXIR Weekly update for this year, we'll be back again on 9 January. Thank you for all your support, have a lovely Christmas and enjoy the holiday season.
ELIXIR Project Management network- monthly phone conferences
ELIXIR was presented at the ISMB/ECCB Conference in Prague last week in the ELIXIR Special Track.
This week we will be welcoming representatives from across Europe to Hinxton for the BioMedBridges final symposium: Open bridges for life science data.