Accelerating cancer research through data management
The primary goal of the IDP Community is to advance the understanding of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) through the development of standards, tools and resources for their identification, analysis and functional characterisation. IDPs and more generally intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) of proteins have important biological roles, such as cell signalling, and their malfunction is often connected to (human) diseases. A better understanding of IDP function and interactions can therefore aid in developing new drug strategies for human diseases.
Community objectives
The following objectives guide the IDP Community in addressing its long-term goal. These are dynamic, time-limited objectives that will evolve as the community grows:
- Simplify IDP data access and dissemination
- Curate literature focussed on IDPs
- Develop a centralised knowledge base for IDP data
- Integrate IDP data into ELIXIR Core Data Resources
- Improve tools for IDP analysis
Community impact
The IDP Community has made significant contributions in the field of IDP research, with the following highlights:
Ongoing projects
- ELIXIR projects – Advancing structural and functional ontologies of disordered proteins
- H2020 funded MSC-Research and Innovation Staff Exchange project (IDPfun2)– Integrating novel data, AI and molecular behaviour to expand functional characterization of IDPs
- HORIZON Project (IDP2Biomed) – Bringing IDPs to biomedical applications
Past activities and projects
- Standardising IDP Data: A project completed in 2021 aimed at standardising data related to IDPs
- Improving IDP tools: A 2021 project focused on enhancing interoperability of IDP tools within the ELIXIR infrastructure
- Community White Paper: Published in 2019, detailing the Community's foundational goals and strategies
- Data Integration and Standardisation: A 2018 project focused on integrating and standardising IDP data
Ontologies and vocabularies
- The Community maintains IDP-related Gene Ontology and Evidence and Conclusion Ontology terms.
- MIADE Guidelines: In collaboration with the IDP working group of the HUPO-PSI initiative, IDP Community contributed the Minimum Information About Disorder Experiments (MIADE), establishing guidelines for reporting IDP experiments.
CAID (Challenge)
- The Critical Assessment of Protein Intrinsic Disorder Prediction (CAID),was established in 2018 to determine the state-of-the-art in predicting intrinsically disordered regions and the subset of residues involved in binding. Three CAID rounds were performed.
- All results are available on the comprehensive CAID Portal.
Training and resources
Online and in-person training is available for curators and users to share knowledge on curation, analysis and interpretation of IDPs using the resources of the ELIXIR infrastructure.
- E-learning courses on Biocuration in DisProt and Experimental Techniques for the Characterisation of IDPs, integrated in the ELIXIR Slovenia Platform and listed on TeSS
- In-person training sessions are designed to provide immersive learning experiences in various locations – IDPfun Annual Argentina Visit 2023; PhaseAge training school
- Webinars:
- DisProt and MobiDB:Exploring the structural and functional annotations of IDPs
- An introduction to DisProt: A look at its features
- MobiDB: A database focussed on protein disorder and mobility annotations
- Materials for curators and users:
- Best practices and guidelines for curating and analysing IDPs, available for Community members
Community events
The community was featured at the ECCB 2024 in the session Bringing order to disorder
Global partnerships and initiatives
The IDP Community collaborates with various global initiatives, including:
- ML4NGP COST Action: Non-globular proteins in the era of machine learning
- Gene Ontology Consortium
- Evidence and Conclusion Ontology (ECO)
- InterPro Consortium
- HUPO-Proteomics Standards Initiative
- PhaseAge project
Community leadership


ELIXIR Hungary

ELIXIR Belgium

Communities Liaison, ELIXIR Hub
Additional Community support
- Diana Battistella (ELIXIR Italy)
Contact if you'd like to know more about the Community's work.