How to engage with us
Innovation and SME Forums
A chance to interact with experts on specific topics in the life sciences ecosystem.
Knowledge Exchange Scheme
Collaborative projects between industry and ELIXIR members.
Bioinformatics Industry Forum
Discuss challenges and solutions of the bioinformatics industry community.
Industry newsletter
Stay up to date with the latest industry-relevant events, funding and collaborative projects.
BioHackathon Europe
Work on solving bioinformatic challenges in our annual BioHackathon.
Impact of public resources
Share your experience of how Research Infrastructures make access to open resources easy.
What we are doing with industry and SMEs
ELIXIR Belgium×
- Supporting the ‘Data Analysis and Data Stewardship’ pillar of the Helis Academy which strives to increase the industry-readiness of life scientists.
- Co-organiser of the Innovation and SME Forum on Data Driven Innovation in the Agritech sector in March 2021 (event page).
- The PLAZA platform is licensed to a number of companies and industry projects working on plant breeding, empowering the translational research performed in the agro-industry.
ELIXIR Estonia×
ELIXIR Finland×
- CSC– IT Center for Science provides training and Learning Materials for Bioscientists in academia and industry.
- Up to 20% of the EuroHPC LUMI supercomputer’s capacity has been reserved for companies.
- A project with VEIL.AI on health data anonymization, synthetic data and pseudonymization service technology, as part of the ELIXIR Knowledge Exchange Scheme.
- Partner of the Bigpicture IMI2 project providing data for building a central repository for digital pathology.
ELIXIR Germany×
- A website dedicated to the de.NBI Industrial Forum
- de.NBI Industrial Forum History and Annual Meetings
- Industrial Forum Services
- Joint Bayer AG & de.NBI / ELIXIR Germany Event Series “Women in Data Science - Perspectives in Industry and Academia”
ELIXIR Greece×
- "Managing and Analysing Life Sciences Data", the Biomedical Sciences Research Center "Alexander Fleming" teamed up with the JADBio company to massively analyse omics data spanning 31 diseases, achieving a high level of predictive performance with just a few biomarkers (the results are publicly available for querying and downloading).
- ELIXIR Italy joins forces with Researchalize by AstraZeneca to empower Italian biomedical research! This collaboration connects researchers with a comprehensive platform to access resources, discover funding and network with colleagues across the field.
- ELIXIR Node Industry Engagement Days Pilot Programme: The event, scheduled for November 18th and 19th, offers SMEs a unique chance to discover how ELIXIR Italy can support their life science research through data production, management and analysis.
- ELIXIR Italy and Scientifica Venture Capital signed a partnership agreement in September 2024 to promote technology transfer in life sciences. The goal is to support innovative startups and foster collaboration between research and industry. ELIXIR Italy will provide scientific expertise and resources, while Scientifica Venture Capital will offer investment and industry connection.
- Software tools licence Agreement. The BioComputingUP lab of the University of Padova, member of the ELIXIR Italy Node, renewed its commercial licence agreement with the global biopharmaceutical company Sanofi, for a new version of the software package RING (Residue Interaction Network Generator) belonging to the Service List of ELIXIR Italy.
- Establishment of Research Contracts signed with Italfarmaco SpA, Polismail srl, Fondazione Santa Lucia, Vetoquinol srl, Ulisse Biomed, for services provided by the omics platform.
- Agreement with a company to access and employ human A-to-I RNA editing events data from the REDIportal database for scientific research purposes
- The General Confederation of Italian Industry of Bari-Bat and ELIXIR Italy have a long-term agreement to boost open innovation in biotech through research, training, and public-private partnerships.
- ELIXIR Italy facilitates A-to-I RNA Editing Data Sharing from the REDIportal database for Indiana University Research (USA) supporting a Study on Age and Sex related differences in the RNA editing profile.
- ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Data management in the life sciences - a driver for innovation in November 2019.
- Dedicated Training Offer. The Training Platform activated a collaboration with Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A., Parma, to carry out customized training activities on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics and main applications
ELIXIR Luxembourg×
- Best Practices for storing genomic data – compression and encryption 2020 workshop in collaboration with PetaGene.
- Submit or Access data via sustainable data hosting and sharing service (long-term data hosting, provision of safe, GDPR-compliant data access, data management services).
ELIXIR Netherlands×
- DTL hosts the Dutch node of ELIXIR, set up as a public-private network with over 30 academic and over 20 industry partners including SMEs. It is common practice that Industry is involved in the activities of DTL.
- ELIXIR Netherlands will organise the ELIXIR SME Forum “AI in Health” in Utrecht, The Netherlands, in April 2023.
- ELIXIR Netherlands has been instrumental in establishing an Industry engagement programme in Health-RI (health-RI is funded by the National Growth Fund and it has active collaboration with Industry Associations including HollandBio, Vereniging Innovatieve Geneesmiddelen, Dutch AI Coalition).
- ELIXIR Netherlands supports the ‘Data Analysis and Data Stewardship’ pillar of the Helis Academy which strives to increase the industry-readiness of life scientists.
ELIXIR Portugal×
- Implementation of Knowledge Exchange Schemes between BioData and companies from the agritech sector:
- The Navigator Company
- Phenospex []
- Participation in the VitaCov: Vitamin D Polymorphisms and Severity of COVID-19 Infection
- Participation in the Bioinformatics Open Days, in January 2020
- Collaboration in the BioMentors Club - a mentoring programme for entrepreneurs in life sciences and biotechnology, promoted by P-BIO
- Knowledge Translation to the Agricultural Technology Industry workshop in June 2021
- Participation in the Staff Exchange Scheme “Empowering ELIXIR Nodes to measure and communicate their performance and impact”
ELIXIR Spain / Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute (INB)×
- Co-organiser of the Innovation and SME Forum to be colocalised with the ECCB2022 in September 2022.
- Co-organiser of the Innovation and SME Forum “Genomics, bioinformatics and health - Public-private partnerships in open data” in June 2017.
ELIXIR Sweden×
- NBIS/ELIXIR Sweden provides bioinformatics support and advanced training to both academia and private companies.
- Started a collaboration with the BioInnovation Institute, funded by the ELIXIR Knowledge Exchange Scheme, centred on the node-developed service Metabolic Atlas and training.
- In 2019, ELIXIR Sweden organised an SME Forum in Stockholm.
ELIXIR Switzerland/SIB×
- Dedicated web pages listing our services and references
- Organised the Innovation and SME Forum in September 2021 on the ecosystem of health
- Offering dedicated training to companies and leaflet
- Recent and ongoing projects with the industry include:
- A range of Innovative Medicines Initiative public-private partnerships projects around diabetes, obesity, cancer, with SIB lending data management (e.g. setting up federated data analysis system in RHAPSODY) and analytical skills
- Bringing AI to image analysis in cancer diagnosis with Lunaphore and the Geneva University Hospitals
- SIB is a bioinformatics partner of the Quality Control for Molecular Diagnostics (QCMD) organization
- Collaborating on a new drug discovery programme with Cellestia Biotech and repurposing a dopamine antagonist using deep learning and molecular modelling with Addex Therapeutics
- Collaborated with ENYO Pharma SA to make human protein interaction data publicly available and FAIR through the SIB Resource neXtProt
- FAIRsharing works with the scientific publishing industry; two activities are ongoing:
- Working in the COVID-19 Rapid Peer Review Initiative, which brings together major scholarly publishers and the Research on Research Institute, to improve the response of the scholarly communication to the pandemic (final report). FAIRsharing has contributed to strengthen data policies of the journals and publishers participating in the initiative, to make results of COVID-19 articles available for scrutiny and reproducibility.
- Working under the RDA FAIRsharing WG with major scholarly publishers to define selection features for data repositories and foster data sharing (final report here)
- Work in progress with the Pistoia Alliance to create a collection of FAIR profiles of pharmas’ use of standards and data resources.
- Adopted by the IMI, the FAIR Cookbook is an online resource for the Life Sciences with recipes that help you to make and keep data FAIR; developed by a community of Life Science professionals, in the academia and the industry sectors, including members of the ELIXIR community and IMI FAIRplus project.
EMBL-EBI (European Molecular Biology Laboratory - European Bioinformatics Institute)
EMBL-EBI Industry Partnerships. Disseminating cutting-edge technologies to industry. EMBL-EBI stores, shares and analyses data produced by life scientists all over the world. Work with us to solve your data challenges.
Stay in touch
Our quarterly industry newsletter is a great way to keep up to date with industry related activities and services. If you are a member of ELIXIR, you might want to join our internal Innovation and Industry Group (requires a log in).

Dr. Despoina Sousoni
ELIXIR Industry Officer
Wellcome Genome Campus
CB10 1SD Hinxton, UK