ELIXIR supports collaborative partnerships between industry and ELIXIR members to drive innovation in bioinformatics.
The ELIXIR Knowledge Exchange Scheme covers travel and accommodation expenses, as well as some contributions to ELIXIR members (individuals or teams from one institute within ELIXIR) to give them the opportunity to work on a collaborative project with an industry partner.
See the further information and application link.
If you are in industry and would like an ELIXIR partner to work with on a project then contact Despoina Sousoni despoina.sousoni@elixir-europe.org.
Current projects
- Data and knowledge management in an automated enzyme characterisation workflow: an industry perspective
- Bridging academia and industry with training
- ELIXIR Cloud on Azure: delivering hybrid cloud use cases based on the GA4GH Task Execution Service API standard
- Systems biology: bridging the gap to industry needs