- Contact an ELIXIR group: see the Platforms, Communities and Focus Groups pages. The contact person for each group is at the bottom of each page.
- Join an ELIXIR group: if you are part of the ELIXIR infrastructure or work with ELIXIR the you can register to join a group and its mailing list. If you are already registered you can go to the Join/leave groups page to manage your memberships.
- Contact your local Node: the Nodes section contains links to the Node websites, which contain email addresses and forms you can use to contact that Node.
- Discover how your country can become a member: if you are interested in joining ELIXIR as a member state see How countries join and establish a Node and contact Andrew Smith (andrew.smith@elixir-europe.org).
- Find out about international engagement: if you are from a country outside Europe and want to find more about ELIXIR please contact Andrea Guzmán Mesa (guzman@ebi.ac.uk), and see our International Strategy.
- Participate in industry events: contact Despoina Sousoni (despoina.sousoni@elixir-europe.org), subscribe to our industry mailing list, or come and meet us at one our SME forum events. See also the Innovation and Industry page.
- Follow us on Twitter: @ELIXIREurope