ELIXIR at the ECCB 2024


Junakatu 9

Logomo, Tartu

The theme of the 23rd European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2024) is "Data and algorithms for health and science". This year, the Finnish ELIXIR Node (CSC) and the University of Turku will host the event. You can find details about the conference, including registration information, on the ECCB 2024 website. ELIXIR will be an ECCB sponsor this year, with the ELIXIR Communities/poster track and two workshops. 

ELIXIR workshops

Practical and pragmatic FAIRification targeting ELIXIR Communities

16 September 2024, afternoon session (13:00–16:00)

This workshop will equip participants with a systematic, practical and easy-to-adopt approach to implementing the FAIR principles in research projects at any scale. The approach has been validated through a wide range of real-world applications across disciplines, together with industry partners. While the workshop will showcase worked examples from ELIXIR’s metabolomics community, the learning will easily translate to other data types and methodologies. The overall aim of this workshop is to enable practical, effective and scalable data sharing practices.

Navigating the ELIXIR Genomic Data Highway: Applying population genomics to health research

17 September 2024, afternoon session (13:00–16:00)

Join this webinar to learn about how to be part of the future of European genomic data. The European Genomic Data Infrastructure project (GDI) will build on the last 10 years’ efforts to advance common standards and open-source solutions through the ELIXIR research infrastructure for life sciences, funded by Member States and the EC. ELIXIR coordinates the GDI project to operationalise the infrastructure across 24 countries, aligning the 1+ Million Genomes Initiative (1+MG) and ELIXIR efforts. Explore the technical advances and requirements to connect your institute.

Discover more about the workshops: eccb2024.fi/workshops-tutorials

ELIXIR members will also be representing ELIXIR in the following workshops:

  • Improving FAIRability and reproducibility for research software with machine-actionable software management plans
  • From zero to federated discovery: beaconise your biomedical data
  • Advancing synthetic data generation and dissemination for life sciences
  • Learn the essentials of research data management and microbial genome submissions

ELIXIR Communities track programme

ELIXIR Communities track programme talks will showcase Community activities, as well as the benefits of being a member and of using ELIXIR resources, including ELIXIR Recommended Interoperability Resources (RIRs), Core Data Resources (CDRs) and more. The track programme will also introduce three scientific areas outlined in the 2024–2028 ELIXIR Scientific Programme.

Track programme

ELIXIR 1: Wednesday 18 September, 10:15–11:15 

  • The ELIXIR Cellular and Molecular Research Scientific Priority Area – Silvio Tosatto
  • Bringing order to disorder – ELIXIR IDP Community – Gábor Erdős
  • Scdrake: a reproducible and scalable pipeline for scRNA-seq and SRT data analysis – Michal Kolář
ELIXIR 2: Wednesday 18 September, 14:45–15:45
  • The ELIXIR Biodiversity, Food Security, and Pathogens Scientific Priority Area – Katharina F Heil
  • Increasing Plant data findability and reuse beyond ELIXIR – Maja Zagorscak
  • Connecting and Embedding the ELIXIR Metabolomics Community in a Multi-Omics World – Nils Hoffmann
ELIXIR 3: Thursday 19 September, 10:15–11:15
  • Empowering digital skills in Life Sciences across sectors: BioNT's journey featuring ELIXIR – Isabela Paredes Cisneros
  • Bringing Together Research Data Management Experts: Community-Led Initiative by ELIXIR Europe –Nazeefa Fatima
  • ELIXIR Goes Green: A Node-Driven Approach to Environmental Sustainability – Ingeborg Winge
ELIXIR 4: Friday 20 September, 09:00–10:00
  • Using ELIXIR supported infrastructure to access human genomic data at scale – Magda Chegkazi
  • TrialMatchAI: An AI-powered Recommendation System for Matching Cancer Patients to Clinical Trials – Majd Abdallah
  • PolyGenie: Exploring Genetic Overlap in Diseases in the GCAT Cohort – Xavier Farré

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