Hub updates
ELIXIR was presented at the ISMB/ECCB Conference in Prague last week in the ELIXIR Special Track. All slides are now available in a google drive folder.
ELIXIR also had an exhibition booth at the conference to present ELIXIR activities and services. Many thanks to all who helped us at the booth and presented services developed in ELIXIR Nodes (TeSS, BioTools and InterMine and others) and the activities of ELIXIR Use Cases and Platforms.
Updates from Nodes
ELIXIR Belgium will be holding four training courses in Autumn 2017: (2) Bio-molecular data-mining; (2) Functional Plant Bioinformatics; (3) Python for data processing; (4) Fundamental data skills for data-driven research. More information and registration. ELIXIR Italy is hosting 5th International Summer School/BYOD event: Rare Disease & Orphan Drug Registries on 18-22 September 2017 in Rome, Italy.
Platform updates
The ELIXIR Data Platform announced the initial list of ELIXIR Core Data Resources and the initial list of recommended ELIXIR Deposition Databases at ISMB-ECCB in Prague last week.
The Core Data Resources serve as a mark of the highest quality in infrastructure service provision and will drive ELIXIR's discussions with funders and policy-makers on the sustainability of life science data resources.
The list of ELIXIR Deposition Databases provides guidance to those who formulate policy and working practices about the appropriate repositories for publishing open data in the life sciences.
Job board
EMBL-EBI Hinxton are looking to recruit a Chemogenomics Analyst to support work on the Horizon 2020 project CORBEL.
The Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciu00eancia is welcoming applications for a (MSc level) Research Scholarship in bioinformatics training.
ELIXIR Spain is seeking a Bioinformatics Data Analyst and a Front-End Developer to join their team.
DTU (ELIXIR Denmark) is seeking a Database Architect and Scientific Computing Programmer.
The Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences has a Postdoctoral Position in Computation Biology available.
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics is looking for a Chief Operating Officer to strengthen the team of the Vital-IT Competence Centre in Lausanne.
Upcoming events
See the ELIXIR TeSS portal for all events organised by ELIXIR Nodes. ELIXIR events
9-10 October 2017 | Brussels, Belgium
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Data-driven innovation in food, nutrition and the microbiome
4-7 June 2018 | Berlin, Germany
ELIXIR All Hands meeting