Hub updates
This is the last edition of the ELIXIR Weekly update for this year, we'll be back again on 9 January. Thank you for all your support, have a lovely Christmas and enjoy the holiday season.
ELIXIR Project Management network- monthly phone conferences
The "ELIXIR project management network" is a growing community of colleagues across ELIXIR interested in the exchange of knowledge critical for their roles. The network is open to project management and administrative staff from all Nodes. The monthly virtual meetings have specific "focus areas" and take place every second Monday of the month from 13:00-14:00 UK time.
The recording from the recent phone conference on 'using the ELIXIR intranet for internal communication' is now available via the ELIXIR Intranet.
Dates announced for ELIXIR Proteomics Workshop
Dates have been announced for a strategic workshop entitled "The future of proteomics in ELIXIR" to take place in Tu00fcbingen, Germany on 1-2 March 2017, as part of the first ELIXIR, implementation study devoted to proteomics related infrastructure. Further details to follow.
Innovation and SME Forum in Helsinki, February 2017
ELIXIR will be holding its next Innovation and SME Forum in Helsinki on 27-28 February 2017. Entitled, 'Genomics and Health - global resources for local innovation' the event will bring together ELIXIR partners and industry and showcase the free data resources that ELIXIR offers to Europe's SMEs and industry. The event has been featured in the ELIXIR Industry Newsletter, to which you can subscribe. If you have ideas or content to be featured in future editions, contact Pablo Roman.
Updates from Platforms
The 5th ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Train-the-Trainer (TtT) pilot course will take place on 16-18 January 2017 in Lausanne, Switzerland, organized by ELIXIR-CH and ELIXIR-IT. Up to ten participants will be accepted to take part in this pilot course. ELIXIR Nodes have been invited to put forward the names of suitable candidates.
Updates from Use Cases
ELIXIR Denmark is organising hackathon Genomics Tools and Databases in Agricultural Science, on 2-3 February 2017 in Aarhus, Denmark. Article on integration of EGA secure data access into Galaxy from ELIXIR Implementation Study published via ELIXIR1000Research channel.
Updates from Nodes
Another article on the ELIXIR F1000Reseach channel comes from ELIXIR Switzerland and presents the ISMARA client.
Job board
The ELIXIR Hub is seeking a ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Project Manager.
The German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure - de.NBI (ELIXIR Germany) is seeking a computer scientist to establish a governance system for the de.NBI Cloud.
Upcoming events
ELIXIR events
16-19 January 2017 | Strasbourg, France
European Galaxy Developer Workshop (EGDW 2017)
9 February 2017 | Ghent, Belgium
ELIXIR Belgium launch event
2-3 February | Aarhus, Denmark Hackathon: Genomics Tools and Databases in Agricultural Science
27-28 February 2017 | Helsinki, Finland
ELIXIR SME & Innovation Forum event
1-2 March 2017 | Tu00fcbingen, Germany
Strategic workshop "The future of proteomics in ELIXIR"
21-23 March 2017 | Rome, Italy
ELIXIR All Hands 2017