Hub updates
The ELIXIR Board is holding its meeting in Hinxton this week. Items on the agenda include:
- ELIXIR Budget and Work Plan for 2017
- Review of the first Service Delivery Plans for ELIXIR Nodes
- Commissioned Services Contracts for Implementation Studies 2015-2017
- Membership application of Hungary
Watch the video introduction to ELIXIR. Further videos on specific areas of activity within ELIXIR will follow over the coming months.
Training and Technical Coordinators
The report from Technical Coordinator Group (TeCG) meeting and the report from the joint TeCG/TrCG meeting in Rome are now available. The report from the ELIXIR Training Coordinator Group meeting can also be found here.
Platform updates
ELIXIR France together with ELIXIR Germany are organising European Galaxy Developer Workshop on 16-19 January 2017 in Strasbourg, France. You can still register for W3C workshop Smart Descriptions & Smarter Vocabularies on 30 November - 1 December 2016 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The recording from the webinar on the ELIXIR Compute Platform Roadmap, presented last week as part of the ELIXIR Webinar series can now be found via the ELIXIR website. The recording from the second webinar on the process for the selection of ELIXIR Core Data Resources held last week to answer any questions from Nodes on what is expected from the submissions can now be found via the ELIXIR website.
As agreed with the Heads of Nodes committee this will be a preliminary process with the primary purpose of understanding if this is an effective, excellence driven approach. If you are considering any submissions speak to your Head of Node.
Updates from Nodes
ELIXIR Italy launch event taking place in Bologna on November 23. Registration deadline extended: Last chance to register today. The call for nominations for SIB Awards is now open. The Awards will be presented in during the [BC]2 Conference in Basel on 12-15 September 2017. The Blueprint project (with EMBL-EBI as a partner) and the International Human Epigenome Consortium have published over 1000 datasets on blood disease research. ELIXIR Netherlands (DTL) is supporting the 9th International SWAT4LS Conference on semantic web applications and tools for life sciences, Amsterdam, 5-8 December 2016.
Job board
The ELIXIR Hub is seeking an Events Officer (Maternity cover)
UMCG (ELIXIR Netherlands) is seeking a Senior Java developer with a passion for health data integration and a Skilled Frontend Web developer for biobanking and genome interpretation to join their team.
CNIO (ELIXIR Spain) is seeking a Project Director, a Project Leader, Senior Technical Researcher and a number of Technical Researchers for their Text Mining Unit.
Science for Life Laboratory (ELIXIR Sweden) is seeking a Bioinformatics Scientist to join their team.
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (ELIXIR Switzerland) is seeking a Head of Communications.
Leiden University Medical Centre (ELIXIR- Netherlands) currently has various positions available in the area of bioinformatics.
ELIXIR France is seeking a post doc bioinformatician in genome assembly and annotation.
Upcoming events
ELIXIR Webinars
30 November 2016 15:00 CET
ELIXIR Webinar: Danish cloud - computerome
Recordings from previous webinars can be found via the ELIXIR website.
ELIXIR events
16-19 January 2017 | Strasbourg, France
European Galaxy Developer Workshop (EGDW 2017)
21-23 March 2017 | Rome, Italy
ELIXIR All Hands 2017
ELIXIR related Workshops and Courses organised by ELIXIR Nodes
Metabolomics course in Galaxy Infrastructure1-2 December 2016 | Bern, Switzerland
RNA-seq: From quality control to pathway analysis
1-2 December 2016 | Frankfurt, Germany
Third FAIRDOM/de.NBI Systems Biology Developers' Foundry Workshop
30 January - 3 February 2017 | Hinxton, UK
Data Visualisation for Biology: a practical workshop on design, techniques and tools