Hub updates
The ELIXIR Hub has launched a call for new members of the ELIXIR Industry Advisory Committee. Further information can be found via the ELIXIR website.
Update from Nodes
Read the report from January's Innovation and SME forum hosted by ELIXIR Finland in Helsinki: Genome data for next generation healthcare - opportunities for services translating genomes into health and well-being.
Updates from Platforms
The recording from the webinar presented last week by Peter McQuilton (ELIXIR-UK) on Biosharing as part of the ELIXIR Webinar Series can now be found via the ELIXIR website. A 2nd Genome Assembly and Annotation course organised by WP10 (under task T10.3) that will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia 19-23 June 2017. Additional details and registration. A reminder for those interested in accessing EU Structural Funds to help run your Node, (see the ELIXIR's intranet group). A new call for Intereg (inter-regional cooperation) funding in the Danube region has opened and may be of interest to the following Nodes: Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia and certain regions of Germany. More generally, a University of Milan organised Summer School on Cost-Benefit Analysis of research infrastructures, taking place in Milan 18-23 September 2017. Registration is open now and may be useful for those looking to demonstrate impact of investments in their Node.
Job board
The ELIXIR Hub is seeking a Chief Technical Officer to join the team.
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics is looking for a Chief Operating Officer to strengthen the team of the Vital-IT Competence Centre in Lausanne.
ELIXIR Luxembourg is seeking a Data Steward to join the Node.
ELIXIR Belgium has opening for Bioinformatics and Data Science Trainer.
Upcoming events
See the ELIXIR TeSS portal for all events organised by ELIXIR Nodes. ELIXIR events
22-24 May 2017 | Cambridge, UK
ELIXIR/GOBLET/GTN hackathon for Galaxy training material re-use
24-26 May 2017 | Hinxton, UK
Bioschemas Implementation Study meeting
30 May - 1 June 2017 | Ghent, Belgium
6-7 June 2017 | Barcelona, Spain
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Genomics, bioInformatics and health - Private-Public partnerships around open data
3-5 July 2017 | Cambridge, UK
EXCELERATE Train-the-Trainer in Clinical bioinformatics and best practices workshop