Staff Exchange projects

For an overview of the Staff Exchange Programme and the context of these projects see the Staff Exchange Programme page.

Name Nodes involved Duration
IntermiRMine ELIXIR UK, ELIXIR Italy
LEAP - Linking Expertise and Analysis in Pathways ELIXIR Slovenia, EMBL-EBI
Life-cycle long data management and handling of sensitive data ELIXIR France, ELIXIR Norway
Local/Federated EGA ELIXIR Sweden, ELIXIR Spain
Open access tools for effective management of ELIXIR Nodes based on collaborative work developed in ELIXIR-CONVERGE, RITRAIN, RItrainPlus and EMMRI ELIXIR Portugal, ELIXIR Norway, ELIXIR Czech Republic, ELIXIR Germany, ELIXIR Sweden, ELIXIR France, ELIXIR Italy, ELIXIR Finland, ELIXIR Israel, ELIXIR Slovenia, ELIXIR Spain, ELIXIR UK
Proteopedia - A case study for long-term sustainability of an ELIXIR service EMBL-EBI, ELIXIR Israel
Strategic Development of DOME Recommendation for Machine learning Focus Group ELIXIR Greece, ELIXIR Italy
Systems biology: bridging the gap to industry needs ELIXIR Sweden
Tools integration under Galaxy and tools development for the integration and querying of heterogeneous QTL data ELIXIR France, ELIXIR Netherlands
Towards Analysis of SMiLE-seq raw data with the ultimate goal of identification of binding sites of the poorly characterized transcription factors ELIXIR Czech Republic, ELIXIR Switzerland
Transfer and development of cancer sequencing data analysis to Faculty of medicine in Pilsen, Charles University with focus on single cells ELIXIR Czech Republic, ELIXIR UK
Transfer of de novo sequencing wet-lab and dry-lab expertise – ASCeND ELIXIR Slovenia, ELIXIR Sweden
Unification of alternative forms of chemical entities with collaborative effort EMBL-EBI, ELIXIR Switzerland
Visit to prepare and coordinate genomic data infrastructure project in Europe ELIXIR Finland, EMBL-EBI
Web application for fast 3D structure visualisation with residue conservation ELIXIR Czech Republic, EMBL-EBI