Visit to prepare and coordinate genomic data infrastructure project in Europe

This project is to improve the coordination between the Beyond 1 Million Genomes project and the Federated Human Data / ELIXIR CONVERGE projects. All three projects are based around Federated EGA, or its technology, to support cross border access to human controlled access genetic and phenotypic data.

Objective 1: Strengthen the collaboration and coordination between the Hub and ELIXIR-FI, especially the Beyond 1 Million Genomes (B1MG) project and prospective Digital Europe Genomic Data Call, and the Federated Human Data Communities, ELIXIR Converge, and CINECA. Additionally leverage ELIXIR-Hub contacts with other nodes to explore new collaboration opportunities. The project lead is a Senior Coordinator at ELIXIR-FI on the B1MG project and co-lead of the Federated Human Data Community.

Objective 2: Maximise adoption of GA4GH standards, and existing or developing services, such as Federated EGA and Beacon, throughout Europe by identifying and exploiting parallels between the deployment of Federated EGA nodes and B1MG data hubs. As Senior Coordinator for the B1MG project the project lead is tasked with driving adoption of the proposed infrastructure and subsequent deployment of data hubs by the 1+MG signatory member states.

Objective 3: Identify and utilise additional collaborations within other European Projects, such as European Health Data Space 2 (EHDS2), to ensure both the genomic and phenotypic or clinical data is as interoperable as possible. The project lead was on the GA4GH product review committee for the version 2 of the Phenopacket standard which enables linking of genetic and phenotypic data.

Objective 4: Align the deployment, ELSI, and governance procedures of B1MG data hubs with the B1MG Maturity Models. Ensure that these procedures are compatible with Federated EGA deployment ELSI procedures. The project lead has lead the Security work package for the Beacon project since 2017.