Thee French scientific community has set up a national infrastructure of services in bioinformatics called Institut Français de Bioinformatique (IFB). IFB/ELIXIR-FR is on the roadmap of the French Ministry of Research as the reference institute of bioinformatics and as the French ELIXIR Node. IFB/ELIXIR-FR potentially supports all the research fields covered by the partner research institutes with recognised assets in all areas of Life Science and their applications to Health, Plant Sciences, Marine Ecology, Microbial Biotechnology.

The IFB/ELIXIR-FR is composed of a national hub (IFB-core), 21 member bioinformatics platforms, 8 contributing platforms and about 7 associate teams affiliated to the main French research organisations. The French node of ELIXIR offers a wide range of services including:

  • Organised specialised databases
  • Online tools and services (development of original software tools and databases, packaging, virtualisation, workflows, etc.)
  • Dedicated computing infrastructures (federated cloud and cluster)
  • Accompaniment of life scientists on their research projects (consulting, data analysis, customised workflows)
  • Training
  • Innovative approaches in integrative bioinformatics
  • Data management plans


Joint Head of Node

Joint Head of Node

Node Coordinator

Technical Coordinator

Training Coordinator

Deputy Training Coordinator

Institutes in the French Node (the star marks the lead institute).