Proteopedia - A case study for long-term sustainability of an ELIXIR service

In this project, the Proteopedia (ELIXIR Israel) and PDBe (EMBL-EBI) teams collaborated to investigate expanding the Proteopedia resource and using it for effective training and collection of annotation information on biological context. The project also worked as a case study to establish a collaboration between two ELIXIR Nodes with the aim of securing long-term sustainability of an ELIXIR service.

Proteopedia is one of the ELIXIR Israel services, widely used as a teaching aid in structural biology and biochemistry. Through community driven annotations, Proteopedia aims to explain the structural biology data contained within the PDBe archive by enriching the data with annotations which set them within a wider biological context. It is ideally placed to help address the issue of deriving biological context from PDB data.

The project supported organising a number of events (conferences and workshops),bringing together educators from pre-university and university level to understand their requirements for teaching structural biology and setting it into the wider context of their respective curricula.

Based on this understanding, the PDBe and Proteopedia teams developed new tutorials within the Proteopedia framework and set up a series of links connecting PDBe data with the Proteopedia portal.

Nodes involved
People involved