Interoperability and standards services

Name Description ELIXIR Node

Created by researchers and data managers professionals, the FAIR Cookbook is an online resource for the Life Sciences with recipes that help the research communities to make and keep data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). The FAIR Cookbook guides researchers and data stewards of the Life Science domain in their FAIRification journey and provides policy makers and trainers with practical examples to recommend in their guidance and use in their educational material. As a UK-LU joint Node Service, we will continue the development the FAIR Cookbook as well as collaborate towards its sustainability.

This is a joint Node Service between ELIXIR Luxembourg and ELIXIR UK.

ELIXIR Luxembourg, ELIXIR Spain, ELIXIR Switzerland, ELIXIR UK

Created by researchers and data managers professionals, the FAIR Cookbook is an online resource for the Life Sciences with recipes that help the research communities to make and keep data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). The FAIR Cookbook guides researchers and data stewards of the Life Science domain in their FAIRification journey and provides policy makers and trainers with practical examples to recommend in their guidance and use in their educational material. As a UK-LU joint Node Service, we will continue the development the FAIR Cookbook as well as collaborate towards its sustainability.

This is a joint Node Service between ELIXIR Luxembourg and ELIXIR UK.

ELIXIR Luxembourg, ELIXIR Spain, ELIXIR Switzerland, ELIXIR UK

Created by researchers and data managers professionals, the FAIR Cookbook is an online resource for the Life Sciences with recipes that help the research communities to make and keep data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). The FAIR Cookbook guides researchers and data stewards of the Life Science domain in their FAIRification journey and provides policy makers and trainers with practical examples to recommend in their guidance and use in their educational material. As a UK-LU joint Node Service, we will continue the development the FAIR Cookbook as well as collaborate towards its sustainability.

This is a joint Node Service between ELIXIR Luxembourg and ELIXIR UK.

ELIXIR Luxembourg, ELIXIR Spain, ELIXIR Switzerland, ELIXIR UK

Created by researchers and data managers professionals, the FAIR Cookbook is an online resource for the Life Sciences with recipes that help the research communities to make and keep data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). The FAIR Cookbook guides researchers and data stewards of the Life Science domain in their FAIRification journey and provides policy makers and trainers with practical examples to recommend in their guidance and use in their educational material. As a UK-LU joint Node Service, we will continue the development the FAIR Cookbook as well as collaborate towards its sustainability.

This is a joint Node Service between ELIXIR Luxembourg and ELIXIR UK.

ELIXIR Luxembourg, ELIXIR Spain, ELIXIR Switzerland, ELIXIR UK

Data publication technology/tooling based on Linked Data, with associated data management processes. See the FAIR data tools.

ELIXIR Netherlands

FAIR-Checker is a generic tool built on semantic web W3C standards and technologies that aims at assessing the alignement to FAIR principles of web resources, in line with the GO-FAIR and RDA FAIR data maturity model.


The SEEK platform is a web-based resource for sharing heterogeneous scientific research datasets, models or simulations, processes and research outcomes. 


Open source web platform for sharing scientific research assets, models, processes and outcomes. Offering the FAIRDOMHub instance, as well as the SEEK software for own installations. Associated tooling and training.

ELIXIR Germany

An information and educational resource of inter-related data standards, databases and policies. 


FAIRtracks is a set of JSON Schemas defining a draft minimal standard used to consolidate genomic track metadata from various sources, which can be queried by downstream clients through the TrackFind webtool/API.


FAIRtracks is a set of JSON Schemas defining a draft minimal standard used to consolidate genomic track metadata from various sources, which can be queried by downstream clients through the TrackFind webtool/API.


g:Profiler is a bioinformatics toolkit for characterising and manipulating gene lists of high-throughput genomic data.

ELIXIR Estonia

The Gene Ontology (GO) project addresses the need for consistent descriptions of gene products across databases. It has developed three structured, controlled vocabularies (ontologies) that describe gene products.


HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee, responsible for approving unique symbols and names for human loci, including protein coding genes, ncRNA genes and pseudogenes, to allow unambiguous scientific communication.

ELIXIR UK is a system providing resolvable persistent URIs used to identify data for the scientific community, with a current focus on the Life Sciences domain.


An ontology for IDP community: it enables the annotation of structural and functional properties of intrinsically disordered proteins and their interaction partners.


An integrated knowledge resource specialized in the immunoglobulins (IG) or antibodies, T cell receptors (TR), and major histocompatibility (MH) of human and other vertebrate species. 


A database framework widely used to support model organism databases. 


A suite of open source tools and formats to enable standards-compliant collection, curation, management, publication and reuse of experiments. 


The Italian COVID-19 Data Portal provides information, guidelines, tools and services to support researchers in creating and sharing research data on COVID-19.