Key Contributors Update, 16 August 2024
For Action
Final Reminder! Applications open for EMMRI
Final Reminder! Applications open for EMMRI
ELIXIR has invested a total of 1.6 million euros in 12 projects to address the scientific priorities of the Scientific Programme 2024-28. The projects form part of three larger initiatives, called Commissioned Services, which support activities that connect experts in ELIXIR Nodes and Communities to develop the long-term strategy of ELIXIR.
ELIXIR will be an ECCB sponsor this year and hold two workshops and an ELIXIR Communities track programme. The track programme talks will introduce three scientific areas outlined in the 20242028 ELIXIR Scientific Programme and showcase Community activities, as well as the benefits of being a member and using ELIXIR resources.
More information
Human data and translational research is a high priority for ELIXIR and builds on the progress made in the previous programmes by the Human Data Communities. Within the Science Tier of the ELIXIR 2024–2028 Programme, advances will be focussed on enabling researchers (including research clinicians) to use ELIXIR’s infrastructure, for human genomic, phenotypic, imaging and demographic data to support discovery, analysis, innovation and integration of research findings into the clinic and healthcare.
Cellular and molecular biology are fundamental to ELIXIR's mission. As part of our 2024–28 Programme, we are committed to advancing data services and software for research on nucleic acids, proteins and other biomolecules. This initiative will address new demands for multi-omics and multi-modal analyses, including imaging, by developing methods and partnerships. We will also expand expertise in reusable data and software to incorporate FAIR models, ensuring robust solutions for modelling at all scales.
Over the coming decade, Europe will face critical challenges in maintaining biodiversity, ensuring food security and combating pathogens. Our 2024–28 Programme will address these issues by mobilising and integrating molecular data, using successful coordination models from human genomics. Through strategic investments and collaboration in externally-funded projects, ELIXIR will enhance scientific services and support transnational research in these essential areas.
The Hub wishes you a nice and restful summer!
22 August 2024 | 14:00-16:00 (CEST)
12 September 2024 | 11:00-14:00 (CEST)