Key Contributors Update, 22 September 2023
For Information
Outcomes of ELIXIR Heads of Nodes TC, 14 September
We would like to thank Heads of Nodes for joining us for the TC on 14 September.
Outcomes of ELIXIR Heads of Nodes TC, 14 September
We would like to thank Heads of Nodes for joining us for the TC on 14 September.
We are happy to announce that Jana Broncov will be joining us from the Czech Node as our newest ExCo of the Compute Platform. Jana will be replacing Ludk Matyska and will begin in her position on 1 January 2024. We would like to send a big welcome and look forward to working with her!
Two versions of the All Hands 2023 meeting report have been published:
External version - with external links to posters and presentations which have been uploaded to F1000
Internal version - with internal links to all agendas, posters and presentations
Over the summer, a team of 14 ELIXIR experts visited Australia for a month to coincide with the Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2023), hosted by the Australian BioCommons. The presence of ELIXIR experts brought a European perspective to the global meeting.
Read the news
In June 2023, members of ELIXIR Portugal and ELIXIR Switzerland visited Curitiba, Brazil, to collaborate on training in data management and FAIR data with Brazilian research and innovation organisations.
Read more
Core Data Resources Review meeting
ELIXIR Hub is planning a social media campaign for ELIXIR 10 years anniversary. In October, we would like to have a series of posts dedicated to members from ELIXIR Nodes. Please fill in the following questions by 22 September (Friday), we will select up to 10 responses to post on social media as part of the campaign.
Meeting summary of the Heads of Nodes TC
The meeting summary of the Heads of Nodes Teleconference from 14 September is now available in the shared folder on the Google Drive.
We invite you to submit comments to Jo Wingender (joana.wingender [at] The document will be considered finalised on Friday, 20 October.