Key Contributors Update, 14 October 2022

For Information

Minutes of the Heads of Nodes TC

The minutes from the Heads of Nodes Teleconference from 14 September were circulated last week. With a correction regarding the deadline for comments, the minutes will be considered agreed upon on Fri, 12 October. Participants wishing to submit feedback are asked to contact Joana Wingender (joana.wingender [at] by this date.

Key Contributors Update, 16 September 2022

For Information

Funding opportunity - CHIST-ERA

Nodes are hereby informed that the CHIST-ERA project has an open call for proposals for Open & Re-usable Research Data & Software. The funding opportunity may be of interest to the following Nodes, as they are in eligible countries: Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland and UK. The deadline for proposal submission is 14 December 2022. Further information is available on the CHIST-ERA website.