Scientific programmer (m/f/d) with focus on implementation of scientific workflows
Key Contributors Update, 20 October 2023
For Information
ELIXIR Industry Advisory Committee Teleconference
The annual autumn ELIXIR IAC TC took place on Wednesday, 11 October. The discussion included topics on industry landscape in genomics and healthcare research, as well as a presentation from ELIXIR Ireland on the Node's industry engagement activities.
The IAC will now prepare the public summary report with recommendations regarding the topics discussed, which will be published on the ELIXIR website once finalised.
Weekly Brief, 23 October 2023
This week's highlights
New staff joins ELIXIR Hub
Mercedes Rothschild Steiner joined ELIXIR Project Management team for 9 months as Project Administrator, to support Laura Carletti and the team with the GDI project.
Bioinformatic technician
Group Leader in Synthetic Biology
Graduate/Postdoctoral Clinical Data/Knowledge Engineering Researcher
Weekly Brief, 16 October 2023
This week's highlights
Webinar: Making container services integratable, sustainable and widely used
26 October 2023 | 16:00 - 17:00 CEST
Key Contributors Update, 14 October 2022
For Information
Minutes of the Heads of Nodes TC
The minutes from the Heads of Nodes Teleconference from 14 September were circulated last week. With a correction regarding the deadline for comments, the minutes will be considered agreed upon on Fri, 12 October. Participants wishing to submit feedback are asked to contact Joana Wingender (joana.wingender [at] by this date.