
Gear is a genome analysis web server hosting applications for molecular biologists to analyze Sanger traces, design PCR primers and perform DNA sequence analyses. All code is open-source and freely available in the GEAR software repositories, including the code for the web server front-end applications and the backend genomics analysis software. Among other command-line applications, the backend code includes Tracy.


GenExVis (Gene Expression Visualizer) is a desktop application for exploring and visualizing differential gene expression data. 


GeoMine enables textual, numerical and 3D searching with full chemical awareness in binding sites of the entire PDB dataset. 


Enables you to set up and train models for ab initio prediction of gene structure. That is, to perform "gene calling" and identify which base pairs in a genome belong to the UTR/CDS/Intron of genes.


HyPPI classifies a protein-protein complex concerning its interaction type into a permanent, transient or crystal artifact.