Aruna Object Storage is a data lake storage system that manages scientific data and a rich set of associated metadata according to FAIR principles.
Aruna Object Storage is a data lake storage system that manages scientific data and a rich set of associated metadata according to FAIR principles.
Bakta is a tool for the rapid and standardised annotation of bacterial genomes and plasmids. It provides dbxref-rich and sORF-including annotations in machine-readable JSON and bioinformatics standard file formats for automatic downstream analysis.
Beyondcell is a computational methodology for identifying tumour cell subpopulations with distinct drug responses in single-cell RNA-seq data and proposing cancer-specific treatments.
The Bielefeld Bioinformatics Server (BiBiServ) hosts bioinformatics tools from the Bielefeld groups and close collaborators.
BIIGLE is a web service for the efficient and rapid annotation of still images and videos.
BiocompR is an R package that improves visualisations commonly used in biology and genomics for data comparison and dataset exploration.
Biobb (BioExcel building blocks) are Python building blocks wrapping popular computational biomolecular tools.
Website offering a comprehensive framework for constructing Biophysical Proteomes.
Gold standard of oncology clinical cases annotated with CIE-O 3 terminology
CellNetAnalyzer is a MATLAB toolbox for analyzing the structure and function of biological networks.