CellNetAnalyzer CNApy
An integrated visual environment for metabolic modeling with common methods such as FBA, FVA and Elementary Flux Modes.
An integrated visual environment for metabolic modeling with common methods such as FBA, FVA and Elementary Flux Modes.
An R package that provides tools for the comprehensive analysis chromatin accessibility data.
CLASTR, the Cellosaurus STR similarity search tool enables users to compare one or more STR profiles with those available in the Cellosaurus cell line knowledge resource. It aims to help researchers in the process of cell line authentication and detecting potential contamination and misidentification cases.
OPASI is a software application for simulation and analysis of biochemical networks and their dynamics.
Template-based predictor of RNA secondary structure. It takes a template RNA secondary structure(s) and a query RNA sequence(s) and generates secondary structure of the query sequence(s) using the provided structure(s) as a template(s). Biological reliability of the generated structures is evaluated in form of z-scores.
Curare is a free analysis pipeline for reproducible, high-throughput, bacterial RNA-Seq experiments. Define standardized pipelines customised for your specific workflow, without installing all the tools by yourself.
DoGSite is a grid-based method which uses a Difference of Gaussian filter to detect potential protein binding pockets - solely based on the 3D structure of the macromolecules.
A bioinformatics tool for hypothesis generation and prioritization of drugs capable of modulating immune cell activity from transcriptomics data.
DSW@IFB is the support service for the development of data management plans in life sciences hosted by the French Bioinformatics Institute (IFB / ELIXIR-FR) and based an instance of the Data Stewardship Wizard<https://ds-wizard.org/>.
Easily interpretable electron density score for individual atoms.