
Nextflow pipeline for splicing quantitative trait loci (sQTL) mapping based on sQTLseekeR2, performing the following analysis steps:

  1. Index the genotype file
  2. Preprocess the transcript expression data
  3. Test for association between splicing ratios (a multivariate phenotype) and genetic variants in cis (nominal pass)
  4. Obtain an empirical P-value for each phenotype (permutation pass, optional)
  5. Control for multiple testing.


 SSAM-lite is a lightweight, browser-based implementation of the SSAM framework. It provides the functionality of SSAMs most popular and widely used features in a graphical user interface with a few functions added for convenience and ease of use. It can be run on a modest laptop.


UseGalaxy.fr is the national Galaxy instance for ELIXIR-FR and deployed on the IFB Core Cluster and enabling reproducible analysis for french and international researchers in different domains: genomics, metagenomics, metabolomics, proteomics, ecology.


WarPP is a fully automated procedure to place water molecules in the active site of a protein structure.