Interoperability and standards services

Name Description ELIXIR Node

A reusable platform-independent API call component for protein metadata alignment, annotation, and integration across major protein data resources.


ANISEED is the main model organism database for the worldwide community of scientists working on a class of marine invertebrates, the tunicates (sister-group of vertebrates). It integrates for each species: a main knowledge base with extended information on gene function, gene expression, phylogeny and embryonic anatomy at single cell resolution; a genomic browser and a Genomicus gene synteny browser.


APICURON is a database to credit and acknowledge the work of biocurators. It collects and aggregates biocuration events from third party resources generating achievements and leaderboards.


Aruna Object Storage is a data lake storage system that manages scientific data and a rich set of associated metadata according to FAIR principles.

ELIXIR Germany

 BIII Bio Image informatics Index ( is a knowledge database of software tools, test image databases and training materials for bio image analysis. Software tools are organized as full protocol of analysis (workflow), specific brick (component) to construct a workflow, or software platform or library (collection).  They are described using Edam Bio Imaging, which is iteratively defined using this website. All entries are exposed following FAIR principles and accessible for other usage with  (ODC-By) v1.0 license.


Provides an R interface to BioMart services. In particular this is the most widely used programmatic access route to query EMBL-EBI’s Ensembl database.

ELIXIR Germany

A framework to map identifiers between various databases.

ELIXIR Netherlands

ELIXIR-NL can help organise standard events that make data sources more FAIR by applying Linked Data, or help make data repository software more FAIR. Such meetings focus on one or two data sources, and will bring together your experts on the data content and on the usage of the data with experts in data modeling. As an important side-effect such events also educate the participants on what it means to make data FAIR in practice.

ELIXIR Netherlands

General‐purpose software for making genotype–phenotype data discoverable in restricted or open access contexts.


Gold standard of oncology clinical cases annotated with CIE-O 3 terminology


Conceptual modelling, especially OntoUML, UML, BORM, DEMO and BPMN and consultancy. Software solutions design, software development and consultancy.

ELIXIR Czech Republic

Expertise on very diverse subjects of data processing, analysis and curation as well as connections to existing infrastructure RI's like EUDAT. This expertise can be made available to research projects and organisations.  

ELIXIR Netherlands

COPO is a portal for scientists to describe, store and retrieve data more easily, using community standards and public repositories that enable the open sharing of results. COPO can link your outputs to your ORCiD profile.


Support regarding data uploads into public repositories (esp. PRIDE), standard data formats and converters.

ELIXIR Germany

The Data Stewardship Wizard is an international project to help serious researchers and data stewards with building smart Data Management Plans for FAIR Open Science.

ELIXIR Czech Republic

Data, Otimization, Model and Evaluation: Recommendations for supervised machine learning validation in biology.


DSW@IFB is the support service for the development of data management plans in life sciences hosted by the French Bioinformatics Institute (IFB / ELIXIR-FR) and based an instance of the Data Stewardship Wizard<>.


Plant Genomics and Phenomics Research Data Repository (e!DAL-PGP) is an infrastructure to comprehensively publish plant research data.

ELIXIR Germany

An ontology primarily dedicated to categorising computational tools and data resources

ELIXIR France, ELIXIR Norway

An ontology primarily dedicated to categorising computational tools and data resources

ELIXIR France, ELIXIR Norway