Integration of and the new Tools Platform Ecosystem

The goal is this Staff Exchange project is to accelerate the ongoing work of integrating various components of the new Tools Platform Ecosystem, as defined in the Tools Platform Task 1 of the ELIXIR 2019-23 Programme, Work Package 2 (Developing an integrated “Tools Platform ecosystem”).

As a centralised, transparent repository of information about tools and services, the new Tools Platform Ecosystem will serve as the foundation for sustainability of the diverse Tools Platform services, and for interoperability between both the essential Platform services (, BioContainers, OpenEBench, Bioconda) and related services outside of the Tools Platform (e.g. myExperiment, IFB Catalogue, Debian Med, Galaxy, or the resources of the bioimage analysis community).

The concrete focus of the proposed Exchange project is to integrate into the new Tools Platform Ecosystem. In the beginning, the project will provide the implementation and test production experience needed for the deliverable D2.1 (“Governance and process management agreement for the new tools ecosystem”; due 2020 Q1) of the mentioned Tools Platform Task 1, and within its duration pave the way for D2.2 Ibid. (“Guidelines and procedures for the prospective inclusion of new registries and data repositories into the ecosystem”; due 2020 Q3).

This Staff Exchange project will foster workload sharing and organisation between the respective ELIXIR Nodes, and provide means for the necessary technological knowledge-exchange among the personnel of the participating Nodes.