This study aims to empower the expanding ELIXIR network, supporting members in growing their capacities is necessary in order to maintain the quality of ELIXIR training, services and resources. The Training Platform will continue to expand the Train-the-Trainer (TtT) framework (developed under EXCELERATE) to increase the skills of ELIXIR trainers as well as their number across Nodes.
WP1 - Train the trainer
- At least 4 TtT courses per year
- trainers exchange among Nodes
- training materials constantly improved
- assessment of the ELIXIR Train the Trainers’ Exchange Programme
WP2 - Management and operations
A gap analysis will be undertaken in 2019 to assess the needs in training of management and operations across Nodes. A working group will be formed to design and implement this analysis, with suitable training resources on management and operations being made available through TeSS.