2024-28 Programme development

The 2024-28 Programme has now been released.

The scientific direction of ELIXIR is guided by the ELIXIR Scientific Programme -  a strategic document that lays out priorities and objectives for a given five-year work cycle. The second ELIXIR Programme covers years 2019-23 and contains five strategic objectives. 

The third Scientific Programme will set forth the strategy and objectives for 2024-2028. The development of this Programme started in January 2021 with a series of consultations between the ELIXIR Hub and each Node.

As a strategic document to set forth the future direction of ELIXIR, the Programme has to reflect the priorities and activities of ELIXIR Members and at the same time meet the highest scientific and technical standards. The development will be driven by the ELIXIR Hub, regularly consulting with the ELIXIR Heads of Node Committee and the ELIXIR Scientific Advisory Board. The final document will then be presented to the ELIXIR Board, the highest decision-making body of ELIXIR, for approval.

ELIXIR Director Niklas Blomberg said: "I’m hugely excited by the prospects of building our next Programme, which starts in only 2 years. I encourage everyone to contribute to help shape what ELIXIR will deliver through to the end of the decade."

The timeline for the development of the Scientific Programme is illustrated below.

2024-28 Programme development

For more information, contact Jerry Lanfear, ELIXIR Head of Programme and Strategy at niklas.blomberg@elixir-europe.org.

Consultation events for 2024-28 Programme development

ELIXIR is organising a series of consultation events, which will be occurring from November through to mid January 2022. These events are directed to internal ELIXIR stakeholders to allow our partners to contribute and feed into the development of the Programme. The schedule of the events is as follows:

Topic Date Contact
ELIXIR Communities 17 and 18 November 2021 Katharina Heil
Industry engagement 24 November 2021 Katharina Lauer
International engagement 30 November 2021 Corinne Martin
Areas of Focus 13 and 14 January 2022 Peter Maccallum
Outcomes 18 January 2022 Jerry Lanfear
Data management 20 and 21 January 2022 Peter Maccallum
Service infrastructure and sustainability 27 January 2022 Peter Maccallum