ELIXIR Programme for 2024-2028 | Consultation event on international engagement



This 2 hour online event aims to provide ELIXIR Nodes with an opportunity to influence international engagement as part of the upcoming ELIXIR Programme for 2024-2028. The event’s outputs will also strongly influence the 2022 update of ELIXIR’s International Strategy as part of ELIXIR-CONVERGE Task 4.3.


By ‘international’ we mean:

During the event, we will not dive into the details of who is doing what - rather, this will be a high-level consultation on the value of current efforts and mechanisms for international engagement, considering both international organisations and initiatives, as well as priority regions and countries. Then and looking to the future, we want your feedback on where our efforts should be focused and why (i.e. benefits to ELIXIR), and on possible mechanisms and resources to support our collective ambition.

Who is it for?

Anyone part of ELIXIR and who has an interest in international engagement in the context of ELIXIR’s work (and see ‘Scope’ above), whether or not they are involved in the ELIXIR-CONVERGE project. Joining instructions will be sent upon registration (these will be moderated so as to ensure that all attendees are part of ELIXIR).

Not available on this day? You are invited to contribute to the MURAL wall

ELIXIR Members should feel free to mention the consultation to external collaborators and stakeholders. To contribute, they may contact corinne.martin@elixir-europe.org.

Event outputs

Outputs including slides, minutes, the MURAL wall and a copy of the recording will be made available here (requires login).

Agenda (draft)

Time CET Item
14:00 Welcome, housekeeping, introduction to the event, Andrew Smith, Head of External Relations
14:10 Developing the ELIXIR Programme for 2024-2028 (working title), Jerry Lanfear, Head of Strategy
14:25 Key elements of ELIXIR’s International Strategy, Corinne Martin, Senior Impact Officer

Introduction to the collaborative exercise using MURAL, Joana Wingender, Administrative Officer

  • Break
  • Participants start contributing to the MURAL wall

Facilitated plenary discussion around a set of questions related to engagement with:

  • international organisations and initiatives (25')
  • non-Member countries (25')

... facilitated by Corinne MartinJoana Wingender and Andrew Smith

15:50 Concluding remarks, Jerry Lanfear
15:55 Event ends

Please note: the event will be recorded and made available on the ELIXIR Intranet here (requires login). Please contact corinne.martin@elixir-europe.org if you have any issue with this.

