Postdoc in RNA cell biology
CarrerasPathfinders Doctoral Program: 14 doctoral positions in blood cancers at Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute
Key Contributors Update, 12 January 2024
For Information
Call for Proposals for the Identification or Validation of Targets for Personalised Medicine Approaches (PMTargets)
We would like to inform you of the opening of a call through the new European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP Per Med). Eligible Nodes can find more information in the call text.
Weekly Brief, 15 January 2024
This week's highlights
ELIXIR announces five new SAB members
We are happy to announce that following the ELIXIR Board's decision at its meeting in October 2023, the ELIXIR SAB's membership was expanded from 12 to 15 members and, including several replacements of current members, we have welcomed five new members to our SAB since then, namely:
Weekly Brief, 8 January 2024
This week's highlights
ELIXIR excels in research infrastructure monitoring exercise
ELIXIRs performance has been commended in a monitoring exercise associated with its ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) landmark status.
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ELIXIR Science Officer - Research Environments & Software
Closing 14 January
ELIXIR is participating in two significant Horizon Europe projects: