Postdoctoral Position: “Dynamics of Biological Processes”

The Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and ELI-Beamlines has an open postdoctoral position to study the structure and dynamics of nucleic acids and proteins. The successful candidate will participate in interpreting time-resolved spectroscopies including transient absorption, vibration spectroscopy such as femtosecond infrared and/or Raman spectroscopy, multidimensional vibration and electronic spectroscopy, and also time resolved X-ray diffraction. Experience with quantum mechanics calculations of photon and vibrational spectral properties of biological or organic molecules is necessary, ability to perform molecular modeling such as MD or docking of biological systems is an advantage. The position is open from September 2017.


Closing date
Organisation name
ELIXIR Czech Republic

Supporting documents for ELIXIR IAC nominees

These documents are intended to provide support and further information to those wishing put themselves forward to join the ELIXIR Industry Advisory Committee (May 2017).

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Data Steward

The Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) is seeking a Data Steward to join the ELIXIR Node.

The Data Steward will develop the Research Data Management for biomedical research at ELIXIR-Luxembourg and be responsible for the management and usability of data and metadata.

Closing date
Organisation name
ELIXIR Luxembourg

Interpretation of phenotypic and genotypic variation for rare diseases in terms of biological pathways

In the process of establishing the functional consequences of putative or known genetic variants associated with disease, it is imperative to search worldwide resources and data for evidence already available. In the rare disease field, the challenges of doing this are pronounced as data are often fragmented as disease cohorts are small and managed by specialised researchers/physicians.

Visualization of aligned genomics data for rare diseases (RD-Connect) as a driver for real-time access of controlled data at the EGA

RD-Connect is a platform for rare disease research that includes integrated analysis tools for whole human genome and exome data. The platform distributes variant calls, deposited at the European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA) while still controlled by RD-Connect, thereby avoiding duplication of processed data-sets and save network bandwidth.

ELIXIR Chief Technical Officer

The ELIXIR Hub is seeking an experienced bioinformatician and people manager to replace our current CTO as he nears the end of his tenure.

ELIXIR’s CTO leads the Hub Technical Coordination team of senior technical experts and is responsible for managing and continuously developing the team and team-members to ensure that ELIXIR effectively coordinates service delivery from our national partners. The ELIXIR CTO works with our national partners and international collaborators to bring together scientific and technical input for the development and operation of ELIXIR’s portfolio of scientific services. The ELIXIR CTO is responsible for establishing and maintaining our scientific and technical governance processes include data security, ELSI compliance, and service performance.

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