ELIXIR publishes its Industry Strategy

This week ELIXIR has published its Industry Strategy, which is a comprehensive overview of the current and future actions to stimulate innovation and ensure industry uptake of ELIXIR’s services.

The five objectives of the strategy are to:

  • Increase industry usage of ELIXIR resources and ensure the name is synonymous with quality
  • Enable Open innovation by Europe’s SMEs
  • Build effective partnerships with key industry stakeholders and initiatives
  • Ensure effective communication between industry and ELIXIR
  • Support the bioinformatics training needs of industry

Each objective will be met by a set of actions, carried out by ELIXIR partners. The strategy itself will be reviewed annually against metrics and updated regularly to include new activities. The ELIXIR Hub will appoint a dedicated officer to support industry engagement and manage the strategy, funded through the ELIXIR-EXCELERATE grant.

ELIXIR Industry strategy

More about ELIXIR Industry support »
