Efficient operation of bioinformatics cores in the era of single cell omics

The SciLifeLab and its bioinformatics infrastructure NBIS are pioneering the analytical and computational methods to explore life at single cell resolution. The breadth and depth of this type of data type requires the establishment of new analysis workflows that are challenging on the algorithm side as well as on the computational resource side.

 Since the scientific progress happens happens at a fast pace, the NBIS continuously adapts its support mode. Given this situation the NBIS is a prime place to learn about the latest developments in its bioinformatics support and its organisational structure that keeps up with these challenges. On the other side, Switzerland faces similar challenges in terms of breadth of the support and extremely high demand on bioinformatics support for omics-based research projects which is served by a set of smaller bioinformatics cores.

Within this project, we want to foster the exchange between both bioinformatics communities and share experiences in a bioinformatics support environment. In particular, the participant will, during the stay in Stockholm, contribute to the development and deployment of a single cell data analysis workflow. This will give the opportunity to get a first-hand insight into the organisational structure and the actual modus operandi of bioinformatics support in a world-class environment.

The experiences generated will provide the basis to evaluate and adjust the bioinformatics support modes provided by the Functional Genomics Center Zurich. The closer collaboration of these two units will also improve co-development and code-sharing for analysis environments in both countries.