Container Orchestration (2022-23)

Coordinate the provision and operation of a standards-compliant container orchestration platform to allow execution of containerised software tools & workflow workloads supporting public and sensitive data across ELIXIR Nodes. To enable containers to be deployed and operated at scale and across cloud systems through the container orchestration platform in standardised formats which will:

  • Focus on developing a standards (e.g. GA4GH) compliant, interoperable container orchestration platform
  • Comprise scientific software and workflows from ELIXIR Tools platform ecosystem e.g., Biocontainers, and OpenEBench
  • Connect with existing relevant ELIXIR communities e.g. HGTD, Proteomics, Marine, Galaxy
  • Provide an easy-to-use and transparent way of automating service deployment, orchestration, and configuration through the platform that can support the ELIXIR use
  • cases and communities.