Recent progress in sequencing technologies has produced several large scale genotyping data sets for crops. The insights afforded by this data have been published in high profile scientific articles, but the underlying raw genotype data and the associated sample and population metadata have not been routinely submitted to appropriate archives.
The aim of this implementation study, led by the ELIXIR Plant Community and in coordination with the ELIXIR Interoperability Platform and Data Platform, is to provide this wealth of data according to FAIR principles. It will ensure an interoperable link with the phenotypic data that is stored in distributed institutional repositories which is crucial for excelerated crop breeding.
We propose to create a sustainable toolbox to submit data to the ELIXIR Deposition Database “European Variation Archive” (EVA) and enrich the data with interoperable metadata regarding plant data standards like “Multi-Crop Passport Descriptor” (MCPD) and “Minimum Information About a Plant Phenotyping Experiment” (MIAPPE).