Collaboration Agreement Oversight Group (COG)

The Collaboration Oversight Group (COG) is established by the Collaboration Agreement between ELIXIR and each Node. This group consists of:

  • Head of Node (HoN) 
  • The ELIXIR Director
  • Others pertinent to the process (e.g. Deputy HoN, Node Coordinator etc) 

The group will conduct an annual review of the elements set out in the Agreement and address any concerns that may arise. The response from individual Nodes is reviewed by the Director with a report presented to the Hub Management Team and others in the Hub as appropriate. 

For this purpose an online form is circulated from the Hub covering the points below:

  • Quality Assurance mechanism (e.g. SAB or similar) 
  • Financial sustainability of the Node
  • Implementation of the ELIXIR ELSI Policy
  • Node Services (including a check that the details on ELIXIR website are up-to-date)
  • Commissioned Services (including a check on the progress)
  • Impact
  • Any other issues, including an opportunity to meet with the ELIXIR Director if there are particular concerns
  • The form is revised each year to reflect changing circumstances