ELIXIR Service Collections and Bundles

Chatting at an ELIXIR hackathon

An ELIXIR Service Bundle or Collection is number of tools, services, people, and training materials that are recommended for use for research in particular scientific disciplines, ideally deposited in F1000 or Zenodo 

  • A publication (Service Bundle) 
  • Or document (Service Collection) 

ELIXIR offers hundreds of different bioinformatics services. For many scientists navigating through this list is time-consuming and complex. The intention is to make it easier for scientists to indentify appopriate resources to use for particular research questions. They include service lists but also visualised workflows.

An ELIXIR Service Collection can be described as an “open ended list”, which can grow over time, and might be based on queries of other, existing systems, e.g. TeSS, FAIRsharing, RDMkit,
FAIRcookbook, WorkflowHub, Galaxy etc.  

Collections are put together for anyone who would like to gain a good overview of the domains/utility area, learn about and make connections/links between elements, and may include multiple resources of similar content or function for comparison or future selection based on the end users criteria and interests at the time.

An ELIXIR Service Bundle, which can be a subset or snapshot of a Service Collection, are a finite set of resources which have been verified to work together to solve a particular problem. Different versions of the same bundle can exist, referring e.g. to certain releases of included tools or alternative approaches to analyses for different species. Service Bundles represent a “finite graph”/snapshot at a particular time.

Service Bundles make a subset of resources indexable and effectively define a loose data format
for a ‘solution’ to a specified problem.

Current Service Bundles

Rare Diseases 

Feb. 2019

Bring together a cloud (tools, pipelines and services), repository for learning materials, interactive online teaching features, and user management with ELIXIR AAI through a single-access point.


July 2022 A range of services that you can use for studying the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease
Epidemic response  Nov. 2020 Defining the concept maps for 5 possible use scenarios

Multi-omics genotype-phenotype associations(BIOTEC-07-2020)

Aug. 2019 Multi-omics genotype-phenotype associations in non-Human species 
Assessing Molecular Pathogenicity for Rare Diseases (AMP4RD) May 2023

 Thematically linking tools, services, traning materials, and people, based on specific use cases. 


Systems Biology for Rare Disease Oct. 2023

Five specific use cases that are most common in rare disease research in the systems biology domain.(Zenodo publication