Database Provider Survey

Deliverable of the ELIXIR Preparatory phase project (2007-2011). It presents the results of the Database Providers Survey assessing the status quo across biomolecular databases in Europe. The survey was designed to gather information about content, operational details, standards, usage, funding, team size, and sustainability. The provision of this information both qualitatively and quantitatively where possible is crucial to inform future ELIXIR planning and to help define processes associated with long term funding, e.g. the possible transitions of selected databases from non-core to core.

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Warrenties document- ELIXIR Collaboration Agreement Annex 4

In the case of distributed ELIXIR Nodes, the Lead Institute may provide a warrenty document (as Annex 4 to the Collaboration Agreement) which should satisfy the same purpose as an underlying Node Consortium Agreement.

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