2015-2016 Beacon project

The goal of the project is to provide consent-based access to genomic data in the European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA, a joint project of EMBL-EBI and the CRG in Barcelona) as well as national resources in Finland, Sweden and the Netherlands by establishing GA4GH Beacons.

The project is funded through ELIXIR Hub a series of Implementation Studies. The first of these focused on establishing Beacons within ELIXIR Nodes and resulted in six ELIXIR Beacons in:

Genomic data management for TraIT using the EGA

This TraIT-EGA project allowed Dutch research projects in translational medicine submit, store and access their data, using the European Genome Archive (EGA).

TraIT (Translational research IT) is a project by the Dutch Center for Translational Molecular Medicine (CTMM) to implement an IT infrastructure for translational biomedical research. It facilitates the collection, storage, analysis, sharing, and securing of the data generated in large multi-center translational research projects all across the Netherlands.

Rare Disease test case for ELIXIR Interoperability backbone

This study is associated with the ongoing work of the Rare Disease Community.

Access to multiple biological and clinical resources without too many barriers is of critical importance in the rare diseases field. Because of the low frequency in the population, combining data across registries, biobanks, and -omics databases is the single most important way of finding materials and gaining new insights. 

Marine metagenomics: towards user centric services

Marine genomics and metagenomics is still in its infancy, but is a rapidly expanding area of life science research. This study started in 2014 and has been instrumental in certain developments. 

To prevent the large-scale implementation of such studies from being disruptive (where the data production is faster than the speed users are able to analyze and interpret it) there is an urgent need to establish dedicated data management e-infrastructure and bioinformatics pipelines specialized for marine research.  

Interoperable controlled-access big data transfer for ELIXIR - expanding EGA collaboration

Building upon the existing ELIXIR based collaboration within the EMBL-EBI in the UK and the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Spain, this project addressed limitations on computing, network bandwidth, and storage buffer areas that affected the EGA data delivery, and developed a protocol for secure data transfer from the EGA archive to CRG.

Safeguarding resources that link genes with disease: Establishing the EGA as a Joint Venture

The EGA holds approximately half a petabyte of data, and this volume is growing rapidly. These data are a goldmine for biomedical researchers, and it is imperative that the archive continues to run smoothly and can grow to meet demand. This Pilot Action demonstrated how ELIXIR Nodes can support one another in expanding Europe’s bioinformatics capacity.

Secure access to genomic data: Distributed Authentication of the European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA)

The EGA facilitates biomedical discoveries by enabling the secure sharing of research data that matches genetic information to disease characteristics. It is strictly governed by the data access committees (DACs) associated with each study, and is highly protective of deposited information.

Interoperability of protein resources for drug discovery: Improving Links Between the Human Protein Atlas (HPA) and EMBL-EBI Protein Resources

An impressive amount of work has gone into creating protein and protein expression resources in Europe, each of which contains valuable information for biomedical research. Navigating seamlessly between these resources would be invaluable for scientists who need to make informed decisions about their research into new drug targets and are exploring links between different proteins in healthy and diseased tissues.