Weekly Brief, 30 October 2023

This week's highlights

Supporting the adoption of container services

A two-year ELIXIR-funded implementation study has made it easier for scientific computing centres to adopt and deploy container protocols and services. ELIXIRs latest news report on the work carried out to support container service providers, which aimed to establish services, processes and guidelines that align with community standards.

Read the news

Recommended reads

Training Infrastructure as a Service

A Galaxy Europe paper

Hands-on training, whether in bioinformatics or other domains, often requires significant technical resources and knowledge to set up and run. Instructors must have access to powerful compute infrastructure that can support resource-intensive jobs running efficiently. TIaaS provides a significant improvement for instructors and learners, as well as infrastructure administrators. The instructor dashboard makes remote events not only possible but also easy. Students experience continuity of learning, as all training happens on Galaxy, which they can continue to use after the event. In the past 60 months, 504 training events with over 24,000 learners have used this infrastructure for Galaxy training.

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Infrastructure for synthetic health data

A BioHackathon Europe paper

Machine learning methods are becoming ever more prevalent across all domains of life sciences. However, a key component of effective ML is the availability of large datasets that are diverse and representative. In the context of health systems, with significant heterogeneity of clinical phenotypes and diversity of healthcare systems, there exists a necessity to develop and refine unbiased and fair ML models. Synthetic data are increasingly being used to protect the patients right to privacy and overcome the paucity of annotated open-access medical data. Here, the authors present our proof of concept for the generation of synthetic health data and our proposed FAIR implementation of the generated synthetic datasets.

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Updates from Platforms


ELIXIR Training Platform 2023 Face-to-Face Meeting Summary Report

The ELIXIR Training Platform 2023 Face-to-Face meeting took place over 3 days in Rome in a hybrid format. The event commenced with a comprehensive overview of the Platform's progress over the past year, as Task leads shared updates and highlighted key developments.

Read the summary report


Register for the Data-Interop F2F/hybrid meeting

21 - 23 November 2023 | Hybrid - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Registration deadline: 06 November (F2F) | 17 November (virtual)

Join us this year for a more interactive and dynamic meeting. We will work together to bridge gaps between Data and Interoperability platforms and connect to ELIXIR Communities.

Our objectives include identifying key drivers, pinpointing common ground, and mapping out precise roadmaps. We want ELIXIR members new and old to work together as Work Package Teams for the upcoming Programme. Don't miss this opportunity to shape the future of the Data and Interoperability Platforms in ELIXIR.

More information and registration

Updates from Communities


Register for the RDM Community F2F/hybrid & Implementation Study Kick-off Meeting

4-6 December 2023 | Hybrid - Bergen, Norway
Registration deadline: 06 November (F2F) | 03 December (virtual)

The Research Data Management (RDM) Community will hold its F2F/hybrid Meeting in December. The aim is to get together as a newly established Community and start the join work and community exchange. The Community F2F/hybrid meeting is followed by the Implementation Study kick-off meeting.
The meeting will include presentations, workshops and participant engagement. An agenda will be shared closer in time to the event.

Find out more and register now


ELIXIR Rare Disease Community Implementation Study: Systems Biology for Rare Diseases Service Bundle

The ELIXIR Service Bundle for Systems Biology for Rare Diseases is a collection of available information, tools and data including tutorials and supportive materials to facilitate research and training. In this service bundle, the Rare Disease Community members provide this material for five specific use cases that are most common in rare disease research in the systems biology domain.

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Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars

ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. For more, visit TeSS portal

ELIXIR Events and Conferences


3D BioInfo Community meeting
15-17 November 2023 | Hybrid - Prague, Czech Republic

Federated human data (FHD) Community meeting
16-17 November 2023 | Hybrid - Barcelona, Spain

ELIXIR Bioinformatics Industry Forum: Trusted research environments for sharing data in life sciences
21 November 2023 | London, UK

ELIXIR hCNV Community F2F/hybrid meeting
30 November-1 December 2023 | Hybrid - Hinxton, UK


RDM Community & Implementation Study Kick-off Meeting
4-6 December 2023 | Hybrid - Bergen, Norway


Job vacancies


All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job

6 assistant professor positions (career track) computer science, bioinformatics and AI

Vrije Universiteit

Bioinformatic technician

Biocomputing group - University of Bologna

Bioinformatician / Research Software Engineer (m/f/d) "Databases for molecular pathogen data"

Leibniz Institute DSMZ

Data Steward

Luxembourg National Data Service

Senior Data Steward

Luxembourg National Data Service