ELIXIR 3D BioInfo Community F2F/hybrid meeting



The ELIXIR 3D BioInfo Community F2F/hybrid meeting takes place from Wednesday 15 November 11:30 CET to Friday 17 November 14:00 CET. This meeting is planned as a hybrid meeting, with the F2F component in Prague, Czech Republic. See the event agenda.

The meeting is part of a larger event, coordinated jointly with the 3D-SIG Structural Bioinformatics Community of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB).

Structural bioinformatics is undergoing a fast transformation with major breakthroughs from experimental methods such as cryo-electron microscopy to disruptive and transformative new approaches in computational prediction methods based on AI and machine learning. This meeting aims to bring together structural bioinformatics researchers from two international communities (3D-BioInfo and 3D-SIG) for networking and to exchange ideas on the workflows and resources needed to exploit the transformative new developments in the data and methods. 

The ELIXIR 3D-BioInfo Structural Bioinformatics Community brings together European research groups working on five major themes that include protein structure annotation, protein complexes, protein ligand interaction, protein nucleic acid interactions, and protein engineering. 3D-BioInfo Activities in these themes include devising strategies for integrating predicted data and benchmarking the prediction tools. 

The 3D-SIG ISCB (International Society for Computational Biology) Community in Structural Bioinformatics covers the same broad research themes as 3D-BioInfo and is a Community of Scientific Interest (COSI) within the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB). It hosts a scientific track within the ISCB’s annual conference and organises webinars some of which are joint with 3D-BioInfo.

The meeting will include presentations, workshops and participant engagement. It has a limit of in-person attendees, and limited funding is available for ELIXIR members to join F2F. There is no-limit on virtual participant numbers. A number of selected invited participants will receive funding to attend the meeting. Details regarding funding and reimbursement will be shared with invited attendees after registration. Please do not book any travel till after you have been notified.


For recommended hotels near the Prague Congress Centre please visit the event 3D BioInfo and 3D SIG Conference in Structural Bioinformatics website.

Registration deadline:

For ELIXIR funded members, F2F attendance, please register by 15 September 2023. 

Registration for virtual attendance will open closer in time to the event. Deadline 10 November (register via the events webpage). 

Contacts: katharina.heil@elixir-europe.com and event organisers as indicated on the events page.

