Weekly Brief, 18 December 2023

This week's highlights

Seasonal update

This is the final Weekly Brief newsletter of 2023. The ELIXIR Hub will be closed for the week 25-29 December 2023. Thank you all for helping to make 2023 such an excellent year for ELIXIR. We hope you have a wonderful, restful, and healthy Christmas break.

The Weekly Brief will resume on 8 January 2024, please continue to send updates for inclusion in the newsletter to info@elixir-europe.org

ELIXIR announces new Core Data Resources and Recommended Interoperability Resources

ELIXIR has announced the life science data and interoperability resources joining its prestigious list of Core Data Resources, ELIXIR Deposition Databases, and Recommended Interoperability Resources. Core Data Resources, ELIXIR Deposition Databases and Recommended Interoperability Resources form a well-respected set of trustworthy resources, which help raise resource visibility and provide guidance to users and organisations such as research journals and funders.

Read the news


ECCB 2024 - ELIXIR Communities and poster track submission opens

Deadline: 23 April 2024

ELIXIR Finland will be hosting ECCB 2024 in Logomo, Turku, September 16-20, 2024. The programme with a focus on data and algorithms for health and science includes an ELIXIR Communities and poster track. Submissions are now welcome via the ECCB 2024 webpage. ELIXIR acts as a sponsor and will have additional opportunities for a small number of workshops during the event. Should you have any questions, please contact ELIXIR Chief Technical Officer Peter Maccallum

More information

Text and visuals for the new ELIXIR Scientific Programme 2024-28

ELIXIR's Scientific Programme 2024-28 has been released as a series of PDF documents. The google docs (for ease of copy/paste) and new icons are also available here

New ELIXIR working group for non-scientific/technical applications of generative AI

The ELIXIR Communications Group is proposing to host a working group to discuss practical and ELSI aspects of non-scientific/technical applications of generative AI. The first meeting will be in January to help agree scope, activities and outputs. If you are interested, please complete this doodle to share your availability.

Recommended reads

Experiences with a training DSW knowledge model for early-stage researchers

A Data Stewardship Wizard paper

Data management is fast becoming an essential part of scientific practice, driven by open science and FAIR data sharing requirements. Whilst data management plans are clear to data management experts and data stewards, understandings of their purpose and creation are often obscure to the producers of the data, which in academic environments are often PhD students. The authors found that the Data Stewardship-wizard can be an appropriate tool for DMP training, to get terminology and concepts across to researchers. A full training in addition requires an upstream step to present basic DMP concepts and a downstream step to publish a dataset in a public repository. Overall, the DS-Wizard tool was essential for our DMP training.

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Digital entrepreneurship from cellular data: How omics afford the emergence of a new wave of digital ventures in health


In recent years, omics technologies have generated vast amounts of new data at the cellular level including molecular, structural, and functional levels. Cellular data holds the potential to innovate therapeutics, vaccines, diagnostics, consumer products, or even ancestry services. The authors report on a series of interviews and a focus group discussion with entrepreneurs, investors, and data providers. This paper shows how characteristics of cellular-level data negatively affect the combination mechanisms that drive venture creation and growth. The authors illustrate how data characteristics set boundary conditions for innovation and entrepreneurship and highlight how ventures seek to mitigate their impact.

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Updates from Nodes

ELIXIR-UK welcomes Pirbright Institute as the newest member

ELIXIR-UK is excited to announce Pirbright Institute as its newest member, bringing the total membership to 26 organisations. The Pirbright Institute is a BBSRC funded organisation dedicated to the health of farmed animals and has world-class containment animal facilities coupled with sequencing hardware installed within containment. Pirbright will bring unique datasets relevant to animal immunity and associated bioinformatics analytic skills to ELIXIR-UK.

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LNDS joins the ELIXIR Luxembourg Node

Luxembourg National Data Service (LNDS) has joined the Luxembourg Node of ELIXIR, to partner with the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine in developing and delivering research infrastructure services to the national stakeholders and international users.

Read the news

Updates from other initiatives

Register for BioNT third workshop: An introduction to High Performance Computing

6-8 February 2024

BioNT - BIO Network for Training - is dedicated to providing a comprehensive training programme and fostering a community for digital skills relevant to the biotechnology industry and biomedical sector. This practical introduction to high performance computing (HPC) will cover all basic concepts needed to access an HPC cluster and to run applications and workflows there.

More information and registration

Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars

ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. For more, visit TeSS portal

ELIXIR Events and Conferences

ELIXIR Compute Platform 2024 Face-to-Face Meeting
24 January 2024 | Brno, Czech Republic

Job vacancies

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job

ELIXIR Senior Project Manager


Digital Content Editor


CarrerasLeaders postdoctoral fellowships in blood cancers

Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC)