ELIXIR appoints Technical Project Officer to support quality assurance

The ELIXIR Hub is pleased to announce that Montse Gonzalez has joined the team as ELIXIR Technical Project Officer.

Montse will set up and lead ELIXIR's quality assurance processes, including the development of key performance indicators for ELIXIR services, their monitoring and reporting. She will drive the long-term quality development and assurance processes across ELIXIR Nodes and support relevant training programmes for quality management and service development. As a Technical Project Officer, she will also act as a liaison between ELIXIR services and ELIXIR technical Platforms and Use cases.

Montse Gonzalez holds a MSc in telecommunications from the UPC - BarcelonaTech, Spain, and a postgraduate diploma in High Performance Computing for scientific applications. She joins ELIXIR from Barcelona Supercomputing Center, where she was responsible for technical coordination of the Spanish Supercomputing Network. She was also involved in several EU research infrastructure projects, notably the PRACE initiative (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe).
