Primary tabs
The Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI) lets you sign in to a range of services with the same account. You can use your university or institute account, or an account with a with a company like Google, Apple or LinkedIn. Former Elixir AAI evolved to LS AAI (Login) from April 2022.
The 'Documents' tab contains the key documents for this group. You can also find information on the public Compute Platform and AAI page.
- A repository of information for ELIXIR Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI).
Latest news from the AAI
Engagement Call with Elixir AAI XI. recording
A recording from the Engagement Call with Elixir AAI XI. about the LS AAI Roadmap for 2025 is available on the Elixir Youtube channel.
Engagement Call with Elixir AAI X. - recording available
A recording from the Engagement Call with Elixir AAI X. de.NBI Cloud integration with LS AAI is available on the ELIXIR YouTube channel.
Engagement Call with Elixir AAI X. on 7th of October 2024
This call is open to anybody from the community interested in ELIXIR’s work in AAI. This time, the topic is an overview of the federated de.NBI Cloud and its integration with LS AAI. de.NBI Cloud is one of the biggest infrastructures in LS AAI and its integration related use cases can be an inspiration for other communities and services. de.NBI Cloud is operated by The German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure. More information about de.NBI Cloud is available at https://www.denbi.de/cloud.
See TESS for more information.
ELIXIR AAI community engagement call IX. on 28.6.2024
This call is open to anybody from the community interested in ELIXIR’s work in AAI. This time, the topic is an overview of infrastructures other than ELIXIR, which are involved in the LS AAI and their utilization of the AAI.
See TESS for more information.
Engagement Call with Elixir AAI VIII. - recording available
A recording from the Engagement Call with Elixir AAI VIII about ELIXIR CP WP2 24-26 work programme is available on the ELIXIR YouTube channel.