ELIXIR Czech Republic is a consortium of 14 partner institutions coordinated by the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The consortium is constituted by five institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences, seven universities, one international clinical research centre, and one e-infrastructure.
ELIXIR CZ is dedicated to the organisation, storage, sharing and facilitation of interoperability of life-science data for further processing and analysis. Our teams of experts develop and operate a wide range of tools, maintain specialised databases of biological data from diverse research areas across life sciences, and provide e-infrastructure services.
All services are available in the open access regime to Czech scientists and the international research community. ELIXIR CZ endeavours to deliver high-profile services in five strategic areas: Chemical Biology, Genomics, Computing and Data Management, 3D-Bioinformatics, and Precision Medicine.
ELIXIR CZ together with ELIXIR Finland became an international leader in user authentication and access control (AAI), developing and managing ELIXIR AAI which transformed into Life Science AAI. With hundreds of connected services, it simplifies controlled access to different services that are interconnected in complex workflows used to analyze distributed datasets for more than 10 thousand users today.
In close cooperation with ELIXIR Netherlands, ELIXIR CZ developed the Data Stewardship Wizard, a tool for preparation and revision of data management plans. Currently, it is one of the recommended data management tools by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Programme Guide or by the IMI2 project guidelines for open access to publications and research data.
Overall, ELIXIR CZ has a unique position in the Czech research community as a crucial and dynamic bridge between the life science and its research communities and the underlying IT services.
Head of Node

Deputy Head of Node

Node Coordinator

Technical Coordinator

Training Coordinator