The scope of this task is to better align the Data and the Interoperability Platforms’ activities with the
Communities’ needs, via the creation of a FAIR Services Architecture Framework and the definition of
“interoperability stories” demonstrating impact, benefits and actions. Via this framework, the
Interoperability Platform aims to deliver:
- An expanded set of Recommended Interoperability Resources (RIRs), FAIRification services and strategies, also connected to the Core Data Resources (CDRs), Core Deposition Database (CDDs) and informed by the user communities more closely connected to the services, and supplied by the Nodes.
- A flow of products and best practice, and a series of experts able to answer interoperability queries and showcase exemplar solutions via applied use cases.
- A focus on and processes for putting ELIXIR’s FAIR house in order - with clear recommendations for our EIP flagship services ‘in action’; ensuring reuse of data and resources.
- A set of interoperability recommended licences, best practice cases, registries and products for interaction with other infrastructure and projects e.g. RDA, EOSC, highlighting EIP’s and ELIXIR’s activities
- Alignment with and support of, relevant emerging resources from ELIXIR-affiliated projects, which also support the flow of the data from instrument to services and deposition databases and data analysis workflows.