The ELIXIR Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (ELIXIR AAI) allows users to access multiple ELIXIR services through a common ELIXIR login. This page provides basic guidance and support for ELIXIR service operators who are setting up their login page on their website. For more information about the AAI see the ELIXIR AAI documentation.
ELIXIR login and register buttons
The ELIXIR Log-in / ELIXIR Register button intends to be a graphical element that the ELIXIR users became gradually familiar with. The ELIXIR users learn to associate the logo with the login/registration using the ELIXIR AAI. When they see the logo they know what they are expected to do.
- The login button should be used as the login button to the service. When users click on the ELIXIR Login element, the service should be configured to trigger a login at the ELIXIR Identity Provider proxy.
- The register button can be used to initiate the registration of an ELIXIR ID for users who don't have one. It is not mandatory to have the button (the ELIXIR AAI will automatically initiate the registration process if it learns a new user is trying to log in), but having separate login and register buttons has become a common practice on the Internet.
An example of a login page with the ELIXIR login button: ELIXIR intranet login page
- Small (Login), png, 130x63 px, orange
- Small (Login), png, 130x63 px, blue
- Small (Register), png, 130x63 px, orange
- Small (Register), png, 130x63 px, blue
- Medium (Login), png, 300x135 px, orange
- Medium (Login), png, 300x135 px, blue
- Medium (Register), png, 300x135 px, orange
- Medium (Register), png, 300x135 px, blue
Both the small and medium buttons can be scaled down to minimum of 100 and 200 px respectively. They shouldn't be scaled up. In case you need a larget button, contact us at
The colour of the button may change 'on hover' (see an example on the intranet login page).
Alternate format for browsers that cannot display images:alt="[ELIXIR Login]"
For presentations and websites related to ELIXIR AAI, use the ELIXIR 'login' logo