Bona fide researcher service

Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) is promoting 3-tier access to data. The middle layer is called Registered access, available for researchers in good standing ("bona fide researcher"). In ELIXIR that grants you access to certain services, such as the ELIXIR-Finland Beacon that supports bona fide status.

In LifeScience AAI you can receive bona fide status in two alternative ways:

  1. Your home organisation confirms you are a researcher. This requires you to log in to ELIXIR using your linked account from your Home Organisation that releases your affiliation information.
  2. A person who satisfies (1) vouches for your bona fide status. That requires you to fill in an application here (coming soon) and forward it to the person.

Additionally, you need to make the following attestations:

  • ‘I am a bona fide researcher, that is, I am involved in biological/health research and will use these data for those purposes only’
    ‘I am a bona fide clinical care professional working in genetic/genomic medicine and will use these data for those purposes only’
  • ‘My use of the data will be consistent with the GA4GH Framework for Responsible Sharing of Genomic and Health-Related Data (’
  • ‘I will comply with all ethical and legal regulatory requirements applicable in my institution and country/region in my use of the data’
  • ‘I agree to forego any attempt to identify individuals represented in the dataset, except by prior written permission from the provider's sponsoring institution’
  • ‘I will treat the data as confidential and I will not share it with others not specifically authorised’
  • ‘I will protect confidential data against unauthorised access, and will delete all copies of the data when I no longer require the data or the permission period has expired.’
  • ‘I will only use the data for the purposes allowed by the provider and I will abide by any conditions expressed as Consent Codes’

You can make the attestations on the Life Science RI website. You can also view your current bona fide status by logging into the linked service.