
The web page is by far the most popular means to expose and access scientific data, both among data providers and data users. Consequently, to have sufficient data coverage any interoperability strategy needs to consider ways to capture and expose structured data through HTML web pages. is a community initiative launched by the main search engines like Google or Bing as a solution to expose structured data markup on web pages without changing the presentation layer. Bioschemas aims to contribute to by improving the exposure of structured data in the life sciences. Bioschemas focuses on extending with new data types related to biology (e.g. protein sequence) and defining sets of minimum metadata properties. This will lead to the improved findability and accessibility of biological data.

This ELIXIR Bioschemas group aims to support the Bioschemas community as well as the application of Bioschemas in ELIXIR use cases. The priorities are defined by the ELIXIR Bioschemas project plan, part of the ELIXIR Interoperability Roadmap.

Implementation Studies

ELIXIR funds a number of short term, technical projects (Implementation Studies) that to inform future service development, drive standards adoption and engage the Nodes.

  • Develop Bioschemas specifications and demonstrators for prioritised content types (eg. Data repository, Dataset, Sample, Phenotype and Protein annotations)
  • Facilitate the discovery and validation of Bioschemas compliant resources
  • Support and engage the Bioschemas community via meetings, hackathons, knowledge dissemination and training.
Parent group