Weekly Brief July 2015

ELIXIR update to All-at-Nodes, July 2015

Ongoing activities

--- Update on EXCELERATE preparations and timeline---

We are currently in the process of finalising Grant Agreement details with the Commission, with a launch date for the project set to 1st September.

The official EXCELERATE kick off meeting will take place on 10th of December 2015. Further information about this meetings will be made available to project partners in due course.

An EXCELERATE project calendar is available for people to subscribe to, to which we will add all project-related meetings/workshops and other key dates as they become available.

The ELIXIR Compute platform will have a kick off meeting on September 1st at the Novotel in Heathrow (UK). If you are involved in activities within the Compute platform please mark this down in your calendar and register by including your name in the following document: http://tinyurl.com/compute-platform-kickoff

---NEW Platform and Communities mailing lists---

The following mailing lists have now been set up for communication within the ELIXIR platforms and communities. To ensure alignment of efforts and maximise participation, the mailing lists include the EXCELERATE WPs and other relevant activities.

The mailing lists reflect the different areas of activity of ELIXIR.

For the ELIXIR Platforms:

and for the ELIXIR communities:

The lists are open for subscription to all interested parties both internally and externally.

If you are interested in subscribing please follow the links above or send your requests to nicola.kay@elixir-europe.org.
---Acknowledging ELIXIR-EXCELERATE funding---

While there is no need for EXCELERATE project partners to acknowledge ELIXIR-EXCELERATE funding before the project start on 1 September, partners may in some cases already be preparing e.g. posters that you are planning to reuse throughout the project. The information below is provided only for these cases.

The default is always to use ELIXIR branding and the EXCELERATE logo should never replace the ELIXIR logo. Rather it should only be used if there is a need to distinguish clearly between activities funded through different funding streams. For example, if you are preparing a poster on EXCELERATE results you would still use the ELIXIR poster template but include an acknowledgement of the EC funding at the bottom.

The correct acknowledgement text, images and an example of an ELIXIR poster are available here. We are also working on the EXCELERATE slides for use by project partners in their presentations and will disseminate in the coming weeks If you have any questions on the branding, please contact: premysl.velek@elixir-europe.org.
---Galaxy Survey---
The ELIXIR Galaxy Working Group has launched an online survey to learn more about how the Galaxy platform is used across the ELIXIR infrastructure and beyond. It is intended for IT experts and developers maintaining and developing Galaxy services. Any Galaxy administrator or developer is invited to take part. Go to the online survey The survey results will feed into a set of recommendations on the ELIXIR technical strategy with regards to the provision of Galaxy services and infrastructure. The deadline to complete the survey is 7 July 2015 at 12.00 (noon) BST. The initial results will be discussed and presented at the TGAC face-2-face Galaxy workshop, during the upcoming Galaxy conference (6-8 July 2015 in Norwich, UK). For more information on the working group, contact rafael.jimenez@elixir-europe.org.

---Call for ELSI experts to join the ELIXIR SAB---

A call has been launched inviting experts on Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) to put themselves forward to join the nine existing members of the ELIXIR SAB in order to ensure ELSI considerations are firmly embedded into ELIXIR's scientific review processes. The deadline for applications is 14 September 2015.

The ELIXIR Board will then appoint the additional members to the ELIXIR SAB at its autumn meeting to be held in Hinxton on 22-23 October 2015.

Further information on the role of the SAB, the process for the appointment of the additional members and document for completion by those interested in applying are available via the ELIXIR website.

Please circulate this information to anyone to whom it may be of interest.
---ELIXIR-GA4GH collaboration--- ELIXIR has partnered with the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) to work on the Beacon project. The new collaboration, will kick off in September 2015, its goal is to provide consent-based access to genomic data in the European Genome-phenome Archive as well as national resources in Finland, Sweden and the Netherlands. Further details: https://www.elixir-europe.org/news/lighting-beacons-data-access-genomic-research
Job opportunities

---ELIXIR Norway seeks postdoctoral fellow to work on ELIXIR projects---
ELIXIR-Norway is seeking a postdoctoral fellow in bioinformatics to work with ELIXIR partners to develop data formats and ontologies facilitating integrative bioinformatics.
Closing date for applications is Friday 7th August 2015
Full details can be found on the ELIXIR vacancies page.

---Connect to ELIXIR on LinkedIn---

ELIXIR's LinkedIn page is at: www.linkedin.com/company/elixir-europe

This will primarily be used for posting job ads and industry related news from across ELIXIR. Please connect to this and send any news or links you would like us to post to it to Premysl Velek (premysl.velek@elixir-europe.org).

Upcoming events and opportunities which may be of interest to ELIXIR Nodes

---ELIXIR UK seeks nominations for Technical Coordination roles---

ELIXIR UK is seeking nominations for individuals who would be interested in helping represent and develop the UK node technical capacity. The call for nominations will close at midday on July the 5th.

More information can be found on the ELIXIR UK website.

--- Plans for ELIXIR presence at ISMB/ECCB---

ELIXIR will have a booth (#15) at the ISMB/ECCB conference taking place in Dublin, 10-14 July. If you are attending the conference and interested in helping out, you can sign up here.

ELIXIR is also co-hosting a Special Session together with NIH BD2K on Monday 13 July, 14:00-15:00 at the conference. The session will examine the relationship between our two initiatives. We look forward to seeing you there!

---Next ELIXIR webinar, 15 July, 14:00 (BST)---

The next ELIXIR webinar will be an 'Update on ELIXIR Pilot Actions launched in 2014: Interoperable controlled-access big data transfer for ELIXIR', presented by Justin Paschall (EMBL-EBI)

For further details on this webinar and to join on the 15 July, visit the ELIXIR website. (If it is your first time using WebEx, we would suggest joining 10 minutes before the scheduled start time, to install any relevant software and to optimize the audio).

More information about the series, a full schedule of upcoming events and recordings from previous events are available on the ELIXIR website.

---ELIXIR Denmark: Annual Danish Bioinformatics Conference, Odense, Denmark, August 27-28, 2015---

ELIXIR Denmark is holding its first Annual Danish Bioinformatics Conference, in Odense, Denmark on August 27-28, 2015.

More information and registration for the event can be found here.

---Empowering Personalized Medicine & Health Research: Connecting Researchers, Patients and Enabling Technologies, Amersfoort, Netherlands, 4 November 2015---

On 4 November, BBMRI-NL, DTL/ELIXIR-NL, EATRIS, NFU, FHI and FMS will host a joint conference, 'Empowering Personalized Medicine & Health Research: Connecting Researchers, Patients and Enabling Technologies'. For further information, please contact DTL: info@dtls.nl

--- Registration now open - Symposium: Open bridges for life science data, 17-18 November 2015, Hinxton, UK ---

Register now to join the greater BMS RI research community in discussions about the latest advances in the technical infrastructure behind large-scale data sharing in the life sciences, and the interoperability of data resources supporting biological, medical, translational and clinical research.

  • Keynotes by Phil Bourne (National Institutes of Health) and Ruth March (Astra Zeneca)
  • Interactive workshops organised by BioMedBridges partners and F1000Research, Research Data Alliance, RDConnect, Global Alliance for Genomics and Health, and others

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