Weekly Brief 7 November 2016

Hub updates

The ELIXIR Handbook of Operations is now available via the ELIXIR website. This comprehensive document sets out the various guides, policies and operational procedures within ELIXIR.

An introduction to ELIXIR video is now available via the ELIXIR website. Further videos on specific areas of activity within ELIXIR will follow over the coming months.

Platform updates

A 'Bring Your Own Data (BYOD) workshop' on WikiPathways, nano pubs and the Rett Syndrome was held in Maastricht, Netherlands last week. A full report from the workshop will follow. The report from the BYOD workshop for rare disease registries held in Rome in September is available now. A second webinar on the process for the selection of ELIXIR Core Data Resources will take place next Monday 14 November 2016 at 15.00 CET in order to answer any questions from Nodes on what is expected from the submissions.

As agreed with the Heads of Nodes committee this will be a preliminary process with the primary purpose of understanding if this is an effective, excellence driven approach. If you are considering any submissions speak to your Head of Node.

Job board

The ELIXIR Hub is seeking an Events Officer (Maternity cover)

Science for Life Laboratory (ELIXIR Sweden) is seeking a Bioinformatics Scientist to join their team.

SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (ELIXIR Switzerland) is seeking a Head of Communications.

Leiden University Medical Centre (ELIXIR- Netherlands) currently has various positions available in the area of bioinformatics.

ELIXIR France is seeking a post doc bioinformatician in genome assembly and annotation.

Upcoming events

ELIXIR Webinars
14 November 2016 15:00 CETSecond webinar on the process for the selection of ELIXIR Core Data Resources
16 November 2016 15:00 CETELIXIR Webinar: ELIXIR Technical Services Roadmap
30 November 2016 15:00 CET
ELIXIR Webinar: Danish cloud - computerome

Recordings from previous webinars can be found via the ELIXIR website.

ELIXIR related Workshops and Courses organised by ELIXIR Nodes

ELIXIR-UK All-Hands meeting

8 November 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland
Practical introduction to SPARQL for biologists and informaticians

10 November 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland
First Steps with UNIX in Life Sciences

15-17 November 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland
Introduction to Biological Network Analysis

21-25 November 2016 | Nijmegen, Netherlands
Comparative Genomics: from evolution to function (3rd edition)

28 Nov - 2 Dec 2016 | Roscoff, France
Metabolomics course in Galaxy Infrastructure

1-2 December 2016 | Bern, Switzerland
RNA-seq: From quality control to pathway analysis

30 January - 3 February 2017 | Hinxton, UK
Data Visualisation for Biology: a practical workshop on design, techniques and tools